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 Post, what you feel about instig8or... (45)

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Joel_Mathews(2284) pic

Post, what you feel about instig8or...

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I think he's a smart kid , but needs smart friends to validate his feelings.

But he is too socially awkward to find these friends and so he eventually gets depressed from being alone and comes here to attract as much attention as possible, before going back into his shell.

Or he just enjoys to attract lots of attention everywhere he goes. Which is fine.

Also, I'm very confused about why he thinks I'm trying to mimick him. When I came to this site and saw his name it inspired this one, but I am in no way trying to mimick his behavior, nor do I think behaving the way he does would bring any sort of positive stimulation to me.

I guess this was more of an assessment of his behavior rather than what I feel about him. Oh well. It's all I got.

2 points

Its difficult to have a reasonable discussion with Instig8or because they ban members they disagree with leaving no avenue for response.

Hopefully this will improve over time otherwise they will end up on the troll list

2 points

1 point

What kinda of stupid thing is that? Why are his eyes so weird?............

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

It's because he raps with a diaper on.

I think instig8tor is just trying to beat PhxDemocrat... or maybe it is PhxDemocrat...

Instig8or, is this your first and only achievement beating PhxDemocrat in the weekly leaderboard? I wish you the best.. :P

1 point

I can't predict him and I like that.

Predictable people are so borin. .

1 point

you too are predictable. i don't wish to insult you, but you, to me are the spitting image of the common stereotypes psychologists come up with for the intelligent, as in, someone who tends to do things that go against what others in society do (as i've noticed even against logic), or to say, a hipster.

31337(560) Disputed
2 points

You say "go against" as if my behavior that doesn't line up with the norm is intentional.

Very amateur psychoanalysis.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

They said I was NOT predictable so why say 'too'?

1 point

Everyone has a right to their opinion, it's a public site. We should all remember the words of Mark Twain though, when he said: "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt." To modernize this a bit, today, it would have to include the voice of your keyboard.

31337(560) Disputed
1 point

That's such an odd saying. It seems that it's more for people who are insecure about their own mentality. Mark Twain seems to be a tortured soul and I would tread lightly when seeking advice from his quotes...

1 point

You are spectacular at removing doubt.

AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

That's a laugh. Samuel Clemens is probably the most quoted American because of his clear wisdom and humor. "Tortured soul"?? He was ANYTHING but that!

1 point

I think that he is an instigator.

I think Instig8or is so cool. If I could, I would give him a trophy.