
Debate Info

Agreed Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Agreed (11)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Proposed rules for determing a winner in any given debate


Here are the proposed rules:

* If you say something along the lines of “the moderators might ban me for saying this, but…” then you lost.

Anyone who says “well, ban me if you want to, but…” is actually saying “in the name of a loving God, please ban me because I am losing this argument so badly that my only hope of escaping it with a shred of dignity is if I can make myself out to be some sort of martyr to free speech.” You asked for it, you got it, Troll-ota.

* If you claim to have supporting evidence available online, but instead of linking to it you say “Look it up yourself,” you lose.

Similarly to the banning thing, “look it up yourself” clearly means “please please please don’t look it up yourself.” It’s an admission of failure.

* If you invoke Occam’s Razor, or “the burden of proof,” you lose.

If you think Occam’s Razor is a way to prove something is true, you don’t understand Occam’s Razor. Occam merely provided a way of choosing among hypotheses to test, not a way of avoiding testing them. And in an online argument, the burden of proof is upon whomever most wants to convince the other guy, end of story.

* If you invoke the name of a logical fallacy without explaining its relevance, you lose.

Logical fallacies are not Harry Potter spells. You don’t just get to shout them out and wiggle your wand to make magic happen. Plus, there’s a logical meta-fallacy: Just because someone’s making an error in reasoning doesn’t mean they’re wrong.

* If you claim to be winning, you lose.

This should be self-evident: If you’re so desperate that you have to tell someone you’re winning, you’re obviously not.

* If you make a reference to Honey Boo Boo, you lose.

There’s no rhetorical basis for this, I’m just freaking tired of hearing about Honey Boo-Boo.


Side Score: 17

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 0
4 points

You, or, the moderators might ban me for saying this, and you can if you want to, but the burden of proof that this will be effective lies with the prosecution, look it up.

Honey-boo-boo sends it's love.

Side: Agreed
2 points

you forgot i'm winning part.

Side: Agreed
2 points

I don't need to say that, I know I'm winning :)

Side: Agreed

True..., but she tried, so I gave her an up vote ;)

Side: Agreed

GASP!!!! are you trolling me? I mean..., are your trolling ME!!!!!! ;)

Side: Agreed

That's clearly a logical fallacy , I win.

Side: Agreed

Elvira topped you. Her argument is at the top of this list. She currently has 4 points for trolling me. ;)

Side: Agreed

I would like to add that anyone who picks that --> side automatically loses every debate they have ever been in and will ever be in (including this debate) ;)

Side: Agreed

I agree, especially with the "i'm winning" part.

I can't stand when people go into a debate believing that their opinion is unflappably the right one.

Side: Agreed
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