
Debate Info

Same Different
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Same (3)
 Different (13)

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Saurbaby(5581) pic

Prostitution and porn star, same or different?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 13
1 point

The are the same in the sense that both the porn star and the prostitute are getting paid to have sex, they are different in the sense that the porn star's partner is also getting paid.

That being said, I believe both should be legal. If we legalize prostitution we can regulate it, and prevent/reduce the spread of STDs and the physical abuse of sex workers. That prostitution is pushed into the dark alleys and street corners of society only makes it that much more dangerous.

Side: Same
1 point

They are both the same.. Because they are both done in a similar jest. And they are both not wrong if you find porn better than prostitution. They are the same. There is absolutely no difference. Except the minor one's..

Side: Same

I hate porn, but calling an actor/tress a prostitute is a little harsh. They need a lot of skill, more then just being able to hump. They have to be able to put on a show that appeals to a large number of viewers, taking into mind what they like and don't like. Just like an actor/tress that DOESN'T do pornography.

Morally, they aren't so different, but... you don't cheat on your spouse by watching a porn star. He/she might get upset, but they would to if you went to a strip club. Are strippers whores? No.

Or well, not usually... not that that means you'll do anything more then watch.

So my point remains.

Side: Different
Saurbaby(5581) Disputed
2 points

O_O Why do you hate porn. And though I agree they are different I don't get why it's legal to get paid to have sex on camera but not legal to get sex. I don't know if that made sense.

:'D And thanks for saying I'm not a whore. lolol

Side: Same
chatturgha(1631) Disputed
1 point

I hate it because I'm a very moral person, so it makes me feel yucky when I watch it.

You're a stripper? O.o

It's legal to get paid to be on camera because they're performers. Everyone on camera is a performer. Porn that doesn't show performers is generally illegal or unregistered, because the company that produces and all of the performers need lots of paperwork to be in that business.

As where with prostitutes it's... different. They aren't there to perform, they're there to physically entertain you in a very graphic and personal way. Our society, to be honest, it kinda strange about it... I think prostitution should be legal so that hundreds of people don't have to go to jail for selling themselves like everyone else trying to get rich. Then prostitution could be taxed and medically monitored.

So if you don't get why it's not legal, it's cause our laws are stupid. :P

Side: Different
1 point

I belive it is different because a prostitute is someone whom sells their body for sex. A porn star only acts and performs for money.

Side: Different
1 point

I guess my argument can go on either side but they are the same in that they both get paid to have sex but one does it illegally on the streets and is getting all these diseases and runs the risk of getting killed and the other is doing it on TV with partners that are also getting paid to do the same thing.

Side: Different