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 Rape Fables, Loud Noises and Denim Shirts. (3)

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Hadrian(483) pic

Rape Fables, Loud Noises and Denim Shirts.

Why doesn't the Caucasian Burglar University, the Stalker-Rapist Technical School or the Institute for Pychopathic Murderers  just teach these guys to wear ear plugs. Or denim shirts?

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1 point

..............Rape Fables, Loud Noises and Denim Shirts: The Video................

Target: Women

Hilarious. Stranger Danger Fear is a great industry for making money.

Where do you find all of these videos?

Side: Stranger Danger Fear
1 point

"Where do you find all of these videos?"

Why, on YouTube, of course!

Now, if you are asking how, well, that I can't tell you. I follow an process of exploring ideas without noting exactly the paths it takes me on. One source of raw material is the over 100 sources of news and commentary on diverse topics that I follow on RSS feeds.

Side: Stranger Danger Fear