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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Remembering Columbine High School

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2 points

Stephen King wrote a book entitled 'Rage' long before school shootings became commonplace. He believes that he was responsible and has thus requested that 'Rage' never be printed again.

jonsans(3) Clarified
1 point

Additionally, all the login methods are pretty moderate and self-administered by us so, your role is to render out this login design completely

What a horrible day when this happen I really felt terrible for what had happened to the people but at least they are all in a better place =)

An American Elegy - A Tribute to Lives Lost
1 point

I remember that the high school exists. Thanks, tumblr. insert middle finger

Developing(494) Disputed
2 points

Why would they knock down the (large sized) Columbine High School? That would be letting the murderers win because their initial goal was to blow up the high school with bombs. Thankfully that failed or the death toll would have been much worse.

The Columbine massacre occurred because of completely failed parenting and the failure to accept clear warning signs. Harris' father years later admitted that his son was a psychopath. If the father had even once entered his sons room he would have witnessed an arsenal of weapons and written information indicating plans of future violence. After the school class video of the two murdering students with shotguns the authorities should have been immediately notified. Instead the faculty just laughed it off as "just kids being kids" when that was not the case.