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Yes, Japan should... No, Japan shouldn't
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:9
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 Yes, Japan should... (4)
 No, Japan shouldn't (2)

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alicelsy(79) pic

S406: Japan should shoulder total blame for the outbreak of Pacific War.

Please remember to exercise respect, responsbility when you are expressing your opinions.

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  • Remember your expository style when you are writing your argument.

Yes, Japan should...

Side Score: 4

No, Japan shouldn't

Side Score: 2
1 point

War in the pacific was a deliberate act of war for Japan to get there foot in the door on expansion with fellow axis powers.

Supporting Evidence: Source (
Side: Yes, Japan should...
1 point

During the time of the Pacific War,Japan was under the dictatorship of Mussolini who had dreamed of making Japan a world superpower.

Japan initiated a war on Manchuria, followed by, China and finally on pearl harbor.It was the one initiating the war for its own glorification.U.S.A. was neutral and not a part of WW2 until the Pearl Harbor attack.Thus, in my opinion Japan was majorly responsible for the Pacific war.

Side: Yes, Japan should...
0 points

Firstly, I shall disregard your juvenile preamble and present my point, (which isn't an argument, but a statement of fact) in the manner which suits me. The sneak attack on Pearl Harbour, regardless of the alleged mitigating factors, was the sole cause for the United States of America declaring war on a Japan whose administration of war lords was determined to have a ''show down'' with America. No point in attempting to concoct a fictitious counter argument when a short sighted dimwit on a galloping horse could see from a mile off on a foggy night that it was the cowardly attack of the 7th of December 1941 at Pearl Harbour before a declaration of war that brought the United States of America into WW2.

Side: Yes, Japan should...
0 points

If you are going to refer to someone else's writing as "juvenile", then you should avoid writing in ways that can, itself, be considered juvenile.

Side: No, Japan shouldn't
0 points

I used the adjective 'juvenile' as an euphemistic abridgment to summarily describe the pompous and patronizing nature of the sine qua non prerequisite conditions for replying to your debate. I have submitted my answer in my own style. Take it or leave it. In the overall scheme of things your opinion of my standpoint, on this or any other issue, isn't, in my judgment, worth a tinker's damn.

Side: Yes, Japan should...
1 point

it is widely accepted that the Pacific War itself started in early December 1941, with the bombing of pearl Harbour, however, this was merely the outcome of a response to many years of Japanese expansionism in Asia.

Sagan’s view “the origins of the Pacific War are best viewed as a mutual failure of deterrence” in effect a disastrous failure by both sides in this conflict to create an Asia/Pacific solution.

The US was trying to halt Japanese expansionism in Asia. and ultimately, the Japanese, significantly overestimated the American public’s desire to remain isolated at peace and their reaction to an attack at Pearl Harbour.

It can be contended that both sides of the Asia / Pacific argument ultimately created the circumstances that led to the Pacific War

Side: No, Japan shouldn't