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Debate Score:21
Total Votes:21
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92nida(1400) pic


There are several Critereas. 

Every one's perspective is unique, handed, smart and every topic is given a unique Attire.

So who could be a real star?

The moderaters?


The Debaters? 

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6 points

There is only one star on Create Debate and thats me, but don't tell all the others because they just might not agree LOL.

I think everyone is a star here oh wait and lets not forget about the thewayitis he is definetely a star LOL (he will kill me for sure)

3 points

Think much of yourself : ). I don't know many people here so can't help with this one

3 points

Yes I do thanks for noticing LOL .

Andy is the star it is an easy one thank you.

Under which criteria would describe a star on create debate? There are some eloquent and intelligent debaters, there are some with a wicked sense of humor, whose contributions are witty and there are people that treat this as a social networking site, unable or unwilling to take part in debate, racking up points by spewing debates about nothing and contributing an opinion with the magnitude of mouse fart in a hurricane.

1 point

Lol... You already mentioned the star qualities. If you named them... You would speak of the Stars too!

Sorry dude, not my style to go about naming anyone for anything.

1 point

I think it depends on who you're asking what answer you'll get. I don't know what to say.

1 point

I couldn't complete writing this debate when my system shut down. I'm gonna edit it now.