
Debate Info

The gains outweigh the risks Gains don't outweigh the risks
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 The gains outweigh the risks (2)

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cnewks(3) pic

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Safety vs Risk- Extreme Sports


In spite of the possible negative consequences of extreme sports, do the gains outweigh the risks?  Sources support both sides.  The brain thrives on new experiences, seeks the adrenaline rush.  It dislikes the sameness of the safe route.  Meanwhile, there are many people living with serious injuries due to their participation in extreme sports.  

This also has something to do with freedom of will.  Do individuals have the freedom of will to do what they want in spite of the risks involved?  Can they make their own choice or should society limit freedoms based on the risks involved?

The gains outweigh the risks

Side Score: 3
Winning Side!

Gains don't outweigh the risks

Side Score: 0

While I'm hesitant to actually say that the gains outweigh the risks...

I don't think it's right to make actions illegal when they aren't hurting anybody else or putting anyone else at risk.

Risk is a numbers game, after all- I mean, cancer and heart disease each significantly exceed accidents in terms of deaths per year, as well as respiratory disease and strokes beating out accidents by a lesser margin. Accidents also cover industrial, automobile, and other accidents. I figure those fit enough to participate in extreme sports are generally at low-risk for heart/respiratory disease and stroke due to their fitness, and are also generally at lower risk of cancer due to most lifestyle choices that increase cancer risk being generally detrimental to athletic performance.

Side: The gains outweigh the risks
1 point

I agree. So long as the risk is made by a competent adult acting of their own volition, and does not endanger the safety or reasonable happiness of anyone else; no restrictions are warranted.

Side: The gains outweigh the risks
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