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Saurbaby(5581) pic

Saying "I'm disappointed in you" is the worse thing a parent can say to you?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 31
1 point

When you hope and hope that your not doing anything wrong and you try so hard to be right or at least in support of their understanding.. If they turn around and dislike what you have done.. It is killing.. Even if it is not meant!

Side: yes
1 point

Exactly! I guess it wouldn't matter to children who rebel hard against their parents. But for children who try their hardest to please them it's torture.

Side: yes
1 point

It's always best to say that you are disappointed in their actions. It's generally not them personally that causes the feeling but what they did. It makes it a little easier for them to see where the true fault lies...not with them, but what they did.

Side: yes
1 point

I'm a kid & i personally think it is the worse thing a parent could say to their child. I don't think parents realize that when they do this, they are hurting their child. It makes them feel guilty & feel like complete sh*t when they hear this. I know when anyone i know tells me this it personally hurts me. It makes me feel like i failed them, I'm a disgrace to them, or just the fact that i really messed up. But my point is if you want the truth take it from a kid that has had this experience. Imagine if you were in their position. It truly hurts.

Side: Yes

Well, it is a big letdown spoken to a son or daughter. It certainly makes the son or daughter feel bad inside.

Side: Yes
3 points

I do use this phrase on my children, but I always make sure to sit down and tell them why. I try to show them that I was disappointed in a choice they made and that they need to think about all of the outcomes before they act.


Side: No
3 points

My mom has never done that. She gets too emotional and irrational when she's upset. So she says hateful things, my personal favorite is "I'm going to beat you to a bloody pulp", and doesn't apologize or even acts like it happened later.

I wish she had sat down with me and spoke rationally. You're doing good.

Side: No
1 point

Holy crap, I am so sorry. I feel really bad when I make my kids feel like SHiT and I try to rationalize it for them. I know they still feel bad, but after we talk, they know I love them and am only upset because they didn't listen. They stil make their own decisions, because that is what growing up is all about. But, no matter what decisions they make, a parent still needs to help them understand what their choices lead to!

Parenting is more rewarding than you could ever imagine, but also harder than anything you may have ever accomplished!


Side: No
1 point

Wow, let me tell you a very quick story. I had knives thrown at me, Hard shelled eggs, hit with the buckle of the belt, biten, hit with electrical cords oh and my personal worst was when she told me she should have aborted me.

I rather be hit a million times with all objects then to hear her say I should have aborted you.

I'm sorry that you had to get all the negativity but it does get better I promise you that

Side: No
2 points

That was one of the nicest phrases I got, but I know that it really bothers my daughter when I say it to her.

Side: No
Saurbaby(5581) Disputed
1 point

Why do you say it to her D:

I think that saying that is like telling a child they weren't what you wanted. My mom said it to me, and even though I know she's overreacting, it still killed me to hear it.

Side: yes
2 points

Well there is always a reason to say it and of course saying it also requires you to tell them why you are disappointed in them. I don't think that the phrase means they are not wanted it just shows that you love them and want to let them know they messed up and you knew they could do better.

Side: yes
1 point

No, it hurts, but I think the worst thing my parents have ever said to me is, "If you do , then you're no child of mine."

And, that sucks.

Side: No
1 point

Yeah... It's been awhile since I've heard that so I didn't think about it. But it still depends on the child I guess.

Side: No
1 point

I suppose you're right. That was just the worst one for me. Like they were disowning me.

Side: No
1 point

Of course not, I can think of many things my father said to me that are 10x worse than that - although I am not volunteering any of his statements here, merely noting for the record that there is far worse than "I'm disappointed in you"!?!

Side: No
Saurbaby(5581) Disputed
1 point

I guess it depends on the life. As everything does I guess.

Side: yes
Billie(790) Disputed
1 point

I guess it depends on the life. As everything does I guess.

Please elaborate.

Side: No
1 point

My mom said this to me when I told her that me and my wife (ex now) were going to have a baby.

It hurt, but I can think of plenty of other things a parent could say that would be worse. "you're a disgrace," "I can't believe I helped make you," " You'll never amount to anything," "I hate you."

The list could go on.

Side: No
1 point

They could say worse. "Your not my kid anymore!" That would probably the worst thing i could think of that my parents could say to me. thatd suck some ass.

Side: No