
Debate Info

Segregation will end Segregation will not end
Debate Score:84
Total Votes:93
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 Segregation will end (12)
 Segregation will not end (50)

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snance(5) pic


Segregation will end

Side Score: 17

Segregation will not end

Side Score: 67
2 points

"Segregation" is under the context of societally reinforced separation. When groups choose on their own to live separately it is not de facto segregation. It's when you tell a group no you cannot legally be here or live here that it becomes segregation. Segregation, at least in the USA on the national or state levels, has not existed for decades.

Side: Segregation will end
2 points

"I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic Church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and the life everlasting. Amen."

Side: Segregation will end
1 point

there will be so much do do in the future there wont be any

Side: Segregation will end
jhubbard5(2) Disputed Banned
2 points

What does that have to do with segregation and whether it will end or not?

Side: Segregation will not end
TLuedtke(3) Clarified
0 points

What do you mean, "there will be so much do do in the future there won't be any" ?

Side: Segregation will end
1 point

People will decide to stop being childish and base somebody off of their skin color or what they look like and judge people for whats on the inside. We are all human and some people don't understand that for some reason so whenever people wanna grow up segregation will end and instead of hating each other we will start healing each other.

Side: Segregation will end
1 point

I think segregation will end because every day more people are given more opertuniities that they wouldnt have gotten before like the idea of having an African American president wasnt even considered until Obama won the election.

Side: Segregation will end
1 point

A crisis will happen like a war, and we will all have to work together, and after that we will like everyone!

Side: Segregation will end
1 point

It could possibly end because one day their might be a race war for eqaulity between races

Side: Segregation will end
1 point

Segregation will not end because it will not end. It will not ene becuase it wont end and it will not end.

Side: Segregation will end
Brandon12344(2) Clarified
1 point

I do not get your point, can you please explain it to me?

Side: Segregation will end
1 point

Segregation will end because of the new leaders in our world influencing us. Such as Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr, Mahatma Gandhi influencing us by being role models. We are slowing getting rid of segregation. If you look at the amount of discrimination there was in the 1890's you will see that we have slowly decreased segregation.

Side: Segregation will end
1 point

I also think that it will end because one day people will realize that not one person will be exactly like another. People are made different for a reason.

Side: Segregation will end
1 point

Why should it continue in the first place? It's just so stupid to support it.

Side: Segregation will end
1 point

I think it will end because there should be no reason why others are treated differently like everyone needs to move on or the past wont be changed.

Side: Segregation will end
5 points

There has been many attempts to end segregation in the past, and all of which have failed. No matter how many racially friendly laws are passed in any country in the world, personal opinions and segregation by private businesses will continue. If the government has so much control over private owned businesses to the extent in which they can control whether or not they can segregate/refuse service to people, then it will become undemocratic and would not represent capitalism. This is the problem with limiting segregation, as there is no "safe zone" in which laws to strictly prevent segregation while preserving freedom and capitalism.

Side: Segregation will not end
4 points

Segregation will not end because how we have this idea of one race or wealth class being better than the others. This will not end segregation because because of how this idea spreads leading to things like slavery or the civil right movement in the 1960's. We keep building this idea of cultural ethnicity is worse than another culture. This is how we have been living for years but I have seen no change in my years.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

Also it is spreading the "virus" and will never be safe from it.

Side: Segregation will not end
2 points

All of us are naturally selfish people, who naturally stereotype others subconsciously. It has only been 60/70 years since the civil right movement and America has still not completely changed it view. I think it will continue to get better but becuase of our nature and becuase we stereotype others and becuase of the history of the blacks, our segregation, even very slight, will always exist.

Side: Segregation will not end
2 points

I believe that segregation will not end because we've tried as a country to end segregation but that has proven to be not successful and long lasting. The attempts has also put short-term and long-term effects on our country and others around the world.

Side: Segregation will not end
2 points

If feel that if segregation hasn't ended yet, it never will. Segregation has been a giant problem in our world and some people have done everything in their power to try to end it but it still hasn't been stopped.

Side: Segregation will not end
2 points

Segregation will not stop because everyone will always have an opinion.Even if they don't have an opinion they will always Judge people of how they look.

Side: Segregation will not end
2 points

I believe that segregation will never end because humans will always hate someone or something. The fact that we have tried multiple times to end segregation and were never successful indicates that people will never really accept change. Even if we can settle segregation a little bit, there will still be those people that won't accept change and we will never be able to change that.

Side: Segregation will not end
2 points

Segregation will not end because it is all in our human nature to segregate. The main part of our segregation is that we all have judgement as human beings. We base who we talk to and what we watch, what we wear, etc, on how someone looks. If you were walking down in a ghetto street and you were to see a a white man walking down the street vs a black man walking down the street, both same size and same mean face. You would be more scared of the black man because of the racial stereotypes that we have made up in society. The whole idea of segregation is just judgement and racial and gender stereotypes.

Side: Segregation will not end
2 points

Segregation will not end. Segregation will not end because people have different prejudices that go against their values. Society is different and not everyone understand that and/or accepts that. People have different belief systems that goes against certain thing and it so happens to be segregation. Segregation divides people, it is not based on the rules its based on peoples feelings. People is the world are judge mental and not everyone is accepting.

Side: Segregation will not end
2 points

Right now we're more divided than ever, the suburbs are are a great example. Stereotypes also affect today's people and housing effects this for us putting people of color in different areas. Judgement is something we all have, looks are more important than you think, otherwise why would you wear a nice suit. We might be under the impression that it's ending, but it's only changing for better and for worse. we changed its look and we probably will over again. it will continue over again. the civil rights movement just changed today's version of segregation and just made it different.

Side: Segregation will not end
2 points

Segregation will not end because some people believe that some religions, sex, race, ethnic group, etc are equal or unequal. Humans tend to put some people in categories. They tend to put people in hierarchies. Such many black people were brought from Africa and treated as slaves. But in 1862 Abraham Lincoln declared the Emancipation Proclamation. He wanted all blacks/slaves equal. Human make mistakes and because we do that we tend to blame others and discriminate.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I picked this side cause it is that harsh reality is that segregation of any form will ever stop due to the way people are programed.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

Segregation will not end because things keep happening and no one is doing anything to change it or stop these things from happening.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I think it will not end because we have already tried to do many things to stop it and it has not worked and i think the more we keep trying to do it might get a little bit better but will not just end.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I don't think segregation will end in America because people have always been split by who has more power and who doesn't, who is rich and who is poor, who has the right and who doesn't.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I believe that segregation will not end in america, because even in the 21st century we still have some places that are segregated and some people that still believe in segregation. I also think this because after all of the civil rights movements and all of the people that fought for blacks rights, its still going on today despite everyone's past efforts i don't think it will ever end

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I changed my side because it is a harsh reality that humans are naturally like this. even though its getting better it wont end. people put others in stereotypes and you cant break those chains. Its made progress but it wont end

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I truly think that segregation will never TRULY end. It has gotten significantly better over the years, but yet there will always be people that are un-willing to change there opinion. If we could end segregation, we could have world piece but having world piece is impossible due to peoples diffrent views on the world witch created segregation in the first place... summing it up, you cant ever officaly see eye to eye with everyone in the world and thats the cold reality.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

Segregation I feel won't end because since the begging of America segregation has been a thing there have been civil rights movements to end it, laws, protests, just around 45+ years ago America was completely separated between blacks and whites, colored people had separate bath rooms, drinking fountains, and even schools. Even after all of that ended, in our current time people are trying to stop from segregation happening but there are still people protesting about this subject.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I believe that Segregation will not end because our society has gotten to the point where Segregation is a common theme all over the world whether it would be racism or social classes. Segregation is a very common thing in the U.S. that people witness everyday people do acts out of the way they feel like the Columbine shooting or even the Las Vegas shooting that just recently happened.We've ended discrimination kind of but it didn't fix everything and i don't think it will ever be fixed.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I think segregation will not end.Because of the massacres going on in the U.S. like the las vegas shooting a couple days ago.Then in charlottesville there were white supremacists and the African American group rioting at either and a White male running a car over other people.There is so much hate in the world to one another and I don't think that will ever end.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I dont think segragation will end. I think this because people have tried to stop it before and it hasnt worked. The more and more this goes on people give up and dont do anything about it. America still hasent changed. Segragation will always exist.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

Although it might get better segregation wont completely come to an end people think that segregation officially ended but there are still racist acts that happen all over the U.S. and there is really nothing anybody can do about it, its just the way people have been taught to live.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I believe segregation will not end because people don't want to try to be more accepting. They don't understand others because they are different and don't try to so they just go and say bad things the people that aren't the same as them.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I think it will not end because were human and what we do is judge people on differentes that we have.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

In all respect I disagree that segregation will end because the world we live in isn't perfect. For millions of years people don't have the same equalities as other. For example like slaves and servants they didn't have any rights back then. I don't see any change.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

Segregation will never end, people will always have their own thoughts about a subject. Segregation isn't just the segregation of white people and black people, it is anyone who doesn't except someone else. In the future there could be segregation between aliens and humans... people will always hate something or someone.

Side: Segregation will not end
jhubbard5(2) Banned
1 point

Segregation will not end because people are mean to one others its in them, and though yes people can change sometimes but this has never changed and will never change, and we can try to change but some people will gest mantan there narrow minded way of live and will not except others and there ways of live.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

ssegregation will not end because there will always be that one person who chooses not to like other races

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I think segregation will not end in america because most people are stuck in a mental block that there is a difference between "white" and "black people". For example, when you use racial slurs it shows that you believe there is a difference between different races. I think that no matter how hard we try, its almost like its in human nature to believe that one race is higher class than another and that's why slavery happened. But, both black and white people were slaves at one point in time, so maybe that shows a sense of revenge and all races are just trying to get "even" by doing something worse but in the end its not going anywhere.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I think it will not end because we have tried so many times to stop segregation but in reality it has changed but never ended.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

Segregation is just a "norm" now, everyone these days are racially profiled and there's nothing I or we can do about it.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

At the moment, segregation will not end because of the people we are. We are people who judge people based on what they look like(race, religion, actions, facial features, style of clothing) and not on their personality.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

It will not end because it's been along so long that it is some peoples reaction to things

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

Segregation will never end because there will always be people who influence their next of kin to support their views on other races.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I feel like segregation will not end because it has been this way for so long and there will always be racist people and will always think and try to prove that there should be segregation.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I don't think that segregation is going to end. I truly hope that it will, but when being realistic on how people act in the world it most likely will not happen. Black and white people have been in segregation for so long it is sadly almost become a norm in society. I don't think that every single person will have the same mindset on segregation because it is something that people have been fighting on for so long. Maybe people will become more mature...but all at the same time? I don't think people can become one like that.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I don't think that segregation will ever end. I'm not saying that it is going to be horrible in a way we are all separated drastically . But there will also be some separation forever. We are all different people and there will always be stereotypes from the past on us no matter who we are and what we look like. You can't control any ones mind to change what they believe true or false, so no matter what there will always be some segregation based on the stereotypes of human beings.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

because now that segregation has end es some people still dint like people in a different color of skin and some people still have less rights because of the color of there skin.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

Segregation will not end because no matter what people do or what laws are passed there still are people who don´t like blacks or blacks don´t like whites and feel as they should keep their family away from them based on their skin color and those kids never learned any better and do the same thing their parents did and it will just keep passing down.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

Segregation has been a problem for a long time now, many people born earlier usually believe in one race more than the other. Some children are raised in their family to think that as well. There are still people in the world who may never stop thinking this way, and pass their beliefs down to their children. In the past, many people have tried to end segregation in the world, but it doesn't fully go away. There have been wars, protests, and many more, but in the end of all those things, segregation and racist views don't always change. Other people will always judge and place others in their own categories.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I think that Segregation will not end because it is the way that everybody sees black people as criminals and delinquents and bad people. This is the main reason why black people are always dying, because we won't give them a chance to speak out and they have to hide in the shadows to avoid other people from killing them. The whole world thinks that black people are tearing down our society which might not be true but people just assume that. When a person is in an elevator with a black person, that person will try to hide their belongings just because they think that the black person might take them. We are so judgemental on them because they dress or live differently.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

You can make it a law or you can have people stand up and fight for segregation to end. But people well never change because they are to judgmental and they well always find a way to judge others. Also there's not just segregation in American, segregation is world wide.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

Segregation will not end because there will always be racist people. Let's say that people were to go through something and people are forced to come together; that problem will end, and knowing the people of the worlded that alone WILL NOT end segregation. it may bring it closer to being fixed but, it'll still have a long way to go. Segregation will most likely not end.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

Segregation will not end because we live in a society where colored people such as young men are at risk because all the conflict between young black men and white people

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

I think segregation will never end because there are people that don't like other races. There are things that happen that make the bonds worse, for example when a white police officer shot an African American,many people were upset not only the African Americans and they blamed it on the white people.

Side: Segregation will not end
1 point

People are so focused on wanting everyone to be the same in every way that once they see someone who looks different they don't like it and they all react the way they think is good, when in reality it's not. They separate or they judge.

Side: Segregation will not end
0 points

I think that it will not end considering we've tried many times and have not accomplished well.There will still always be bad people and judgement but its changed a lot through out times but still the same thing

Side: Segregation will not end