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Debate Score:5
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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Should California be split into two or more states?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 4
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2 points

I can't think of a reason why, it seems as pointless as trying to merge Canada with the U.S. If I hear a good enough reason I may change my view.

Side: No

One reason is that despite having 50 times the population of Alaska, California still gets just 2 senators. Splitting up would allow the current California to get more senators.

Side: No
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
2 points

If it's an issue though, why don't they just amend the law limiting senators to states, and allow it to have more? This seems like it'd be a much simpler solution than making more states. I also imagine the residents of this state will have to change their residency, mailing address, etc. I just foresee more paper work than necessary just to get more senators into the state.

Side: Yes

California is one of the parts of America that I like, leave it as it is.

Side: No
12characters(224) Clarified
1 point

This isn't about you.

Side: Yes
1 point

Do I care?

Side: Yes