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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Should Cosmetic Surgery Be Banned?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3
3 points

Cosmetic surgery is surgery done for aesthetic reasons as opposed to health reasons. Re-constructive surgery is a different type of plastic surgery to cosmetic which I believe my opponent is referring to.

Surgery done to improve a person's health, be that physical or mental shouldn't be labelled as cosmetic. Re-building your body after an accident, removing a deformity or skin grafting for burn victims are necessary surgeries that genuinely effect people's quality of life.

Simply because a surgery effects your physical appearance is not what makes a surgery cosmetic.

Cosmetic surgery is unnecessary surgery. Changing your breast side, removing fat, looking younger.

I would ban cosmetic surgery as we have no idea what this kind of alterations could do to our genetic make-up for future generations. The biological reason we find people attractive is that they would make good potential mates. Hence why beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

If we end up with a generation of people "faking" their genes, finding themselves attracted to other people with "fake" good genes to match their we are bypassing the natural filter of incompatible genes.

Aside from the unhealthy goals of looking "perfect", a lot of cosmetic surgeries are a lazy way out of being healthy, eating right and exercising to stay in shape.

Side: yes
2 points

Why would cosmetic surgery be banned? You'd rather everybody with deformities or malformities or injuries, etc. walk around the streets at night? They'd be shunned and feared. Think about the people with such deformities - would you want to look in the mirror every morning and see a badly burnt face?

Side: No
1 point

Cosmetic surgery should not be banned. It is created simply as people would like to look good, why? because they want to be happy with how they look for once. Cosmetic Surgery has no age limit, as people cannot stand with how they look, therefore they change it. It is not dangerous nor ever will be dangerous as the surgeons are getting better again. If you get in an accident of course you're going to want to get surgery, of course you won't like how you look. Staying in shape is one thing that you can do, but you will still be UNHAPPY. therefore you would love to change how you look because of it. If you are badly burnt, you may not want cosmetic surgery, but of course you would need it if you wanted to go back to how you looked before, you would want your old life back instead of looking in the mirror each day and remembering your accident or what ever happend you, wouldn't you? If you were injured as a child, and never got a proper childhood because of what had happend, you would want to change it so you could catch up on the fun, wouldn't you? EVERYONE, wants to be perfect, everyone wants to feel happy, and be happy with how they look, THIS is why, cosmetic surgery was even created. If you looked in the mirror each day, and dreaded on going outside, covering yourself in makeup, or covering up your face. would you be happy? no you wouldn't.

Side: No