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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 Should Dogs Be Allowed to be Monks? (8)

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GeoffGolling(20) pic

Should Dogs Be Allowed to be Monks?

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2 points

They should because dogs are mans best friend and are amazing.

1 point

I'd like to see the dog give monk advice to followers.

1 point

I'm morally against neutering dogs .

1 point

But if you don't they'll just run around and hump stuff like you do.

1 point

do dogs get STDs? this is an important question. instead of neutering we need to train dogs to wear condoms.

Doggies are loyal to their masters, so, doggies should be canine monks.

0 points

I doubt dogs are that stupid...

1 point

A downvote because some humans are monks? That kind of was my point...