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Hellno(17724) pic

Should Fat People Eat Less?


Side Score: 4


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1 point

The creator of the Rascal Mobility Scooters doesn't think so.

Side: Yeah.

Your stomach doesn't get bigger just because you've gotten fatter.

The reason fat people even eat a lot is because of the lack of nutrients that they get from eating, due to the toxic build up caught in their cells

When ever you eat food, your body takes in the nutrients through a "filter", but if your body is filled with toxic build up from a lot of unhealthy food, then the filter is very dirty.

Eating more and more food just piles the toxins on the filter.

So your body ends up taking in more toxins than nutrients causing you to feel like you are still hungry, due to the lack of nutrients necessary to send a positive signal to your brain to "tell you" that you are full.

So yes fat people should eat less, but then also drink nothing but water and eat no food once a week, so that they can cleanse the "filter", which would lead them to getting full faster and eating less.

Eating a lot is only hurting them..

Side: Yeah.
1 point

Yes! Why do you have Azra's pic?

Side: Yeah.
1 point

It depends what you mean by fat. Do you mean obese? If so, then yes they should. Being obese makes risk problems such as diabetes, stroke and others. It's also unhealthy and plus, being fit is good for your body anyway.

Side: Yeah.
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