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RSS Rose2184

Reward Points:11
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yes but did you know that debating is also a sport? Then why can't chess be considered as a sport as well?

1 point

A sport doesn't have to be something that you have to move around and be active. It can be a mind sport. For example, debating is also considered as a sport, so right now we all are actually playing a sport. Chess is likewise the same. It also is a sport for the mind. How? It is because it makes you think harder and more logically, therefore i consider it as a sport.

1 point

Yes because I believe that every person is born for a reason. Of course there would be a purpose for every person and I believe it's what you are that defines you.

1 point

Ever since social networking or some sort were invented, people had gone lazier and chose to spend more time inside. Due to that, people had stopped exercising and becoming more obese. That will affect the person's ego so it is abusing.

2 points

I think both kind of abuse is the same. Physical abuse does hurt and probably make people insecure, but with emotional abuse, it can lead to hurting yourself or even commiting suicide. Both is negative but I guess emotional hurts more for the inside and physical hurts you more from the outside. (sorry bad reasons. Just practising how to go to a side you don't really agree with since we're doing this at school)

1 point

For me it doesn't really matter but it does have it negatives if a child has a tv in their room. For parents, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want their child to stay up late during school days and also to stay locked up in their room all day when they can be spending time outside or with their family.

1 point

It depends what you mean by fat. Do you mean obese? If so, then yes they should. Being obese makes risk problems such as diabetes, stroke and others. It's also unhealthy and plus, being fit is good for your body anyway.

2 points

I believe abortion isn't right. I mean, you know having intercourse can lead into you getting pregnant if you aren't being safe so why take the risk? Also I believe that every child has a right to live and were made for a reason.

1 point

Yes I do believe in the devil because who would be the cause of all the evil that is happening around the world? How did people learn to be mean to each other if we all were nice at the start? Someone must've forced them to think like that, but who? The devil possibly. (Note: I'm Christian)

1 point

I support creation because evolution is believed to have started from algae, but how did the algae know how to mutate in the right time? And how did it evolve suddenly into an ape, which then turned into a human? Surely if we all evolved from the same thing we would have same DNA's right? But we don't so evolution is not something that I would believe.

Rose2184 has not yet created any debates.

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Biographical Information
Name: Shanel Malelang
Gender: Girl
Age: 24
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Philippines

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