
Debate Info

Join and serve Mother Russia Hope I don't get drafted
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:28
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 Join and serve Mother Russia (12)
 Hope I don't get drafted (11)

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SovietSpy(709) pic

Should I join the Russian army or wait to be drafted.

I am 100% Russian, born in Moscow.  When I go back to Russia from the US in May, I might get drafted. So should I just join or just wait. If I join I get better pay, living, and the maybe even next gen weapons like the An- 94. If I wait then I get a crappy house and probably be sent to Siberia. What should I do?

Join and serve Mother Russia

Side Score: 13

Hope I don't get drafted

Side Score: 15
2 points

Fight for our motherland with all of your heart and mind. Stop the Anglo-Americans from killing Iran!


Side: Join and serve Mother Russia

Go join. It's fun. You get to go to exotic new places, meet interesting people and get a chance to shoot them ;)

Side: Join and serve Mother Russia

whaaaaaaaaaaaat daaaaa fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol

Side: Join and serve Mother Russia
SovietSpy(709) Disputed
1 point

I will probably end up in Chechnya or protect the Iranians when the AMericans invade

Side: Hope I don't get drafted

Oh crap!!! Don't do that!!! I joined during peace time. I never saw any action. You DO NOT want to see any action. Stay home and stay alive my friend.

Side: Hope I don't get drafted
1 point

Its all about loyalty to the country you are devoted too.

Regardless of the fear of death, you are serving the

land in which you love. Yet, under the premises of your

life ambitions, take a moment to understand, the army

is a band of iron-hearted people, is this right for you?

Anyhow, I say go in now. If you do it you won't have to

wait for the future.

Side: Join and serve Mother Russia
1 point

You will most likely have to serve your country at one point or another. Why don't you do it on your terms, so you'll be ready and get better pay, weapons, rank, etc?

Side: Join and serve Mother Russia
1 point

or you could take some tips :

But, if you want to join, join.

Side: Join and serve Mother Russia
SovietSpy(709) Disputed
1 point

What the hell is a quaker and they know I am not insane because they look in my medical records

Side: Hope I don't get drafted
1 point

A quaker is a type of christian.

Side: Hope I don't get drafted

If you won't have any choice but to join, but would receive a better quality of life if you comply early on, then you shouldn't wait to be drafted.

Unless you want to resist joining at all, of course, but I don't know you well enough.

Side: Join and serve Mother Russia
1 point

Yes go ahead, i would definately go do it. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Side: Join and serve Mother Russia
2 points

Don't go back.

Side: Hope I don't get drafted
2 points

The best choice one could make about Russia. Once you're out, stay out!

Side: Hope I don't get drafted
SovietSpy(709) Disputed
1 point

I dont have a working visa, so there goes that idea. Anything else

Side: Join and serve Mother Russia
2 points

If you've got at least quarter of a brain you will try to not get drafted at all. Come on... it's Russian army, you could actually get killed there... You'd probably have better chances in prison.

Are you the kind of person who gets high from taking idiotic and completely pointless orders from mentally fucked up idiots, without considering the value or worth of what you were ordered to do and simply do it because you were told to do so?

Or are you the kind who wants freedom of mind, of life, who wants to think and decide for oneself?

Side: Hope I don't get drafted
2 points

Going in the army is horrible, if you have a chance even if it's tiny to not go in the army you should take it. It doesn't matter wich gun you get.

Side: Hope I don't get drafted

an94 is 18 years old plastic version of ak74, is this really why would you like to spend time in Siberia with bunch of violent rednecks screaming on you to run faster?

Side: Hope I don't get drafted
kozlov(1754) Disputed
1 point

Not necessarily Siberia. And don't diss the AN-94, it has one of the highest fire-rates of assault rifles in the world.

Side: Join and serve Mother Russia
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

why do you need high fire rate? You are carrying 300 rounds with you...

Side: Hope I don't get drafted
SovietSpy(709) Disputed
1 point

It is not about the gun, it is about me going into the army!!!

Side: Join and serve Mother Russia
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

Off course, why not to work for half of a minimal wage and probably die for someone who gives a shit about you. Most likely to die during some idiot military exercise when your drunk "colleague" accidentally shoots you :D

Side: Hope I don't get drafted