
Debate Info

Yeah Nah
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Yeah (2)
 Nah (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Should NATO Bomb Tripoli all the way back to when it was called Doubleli

I just had to get that joke out there.  If you want to leave your political views here, knock yourself out ;)


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 5
1 point

Then it must surrender it'self as a colony of the British Empire, (next bombed capital can be a colony of France)

Side: Yeah
1 point

Nah! Let's bomb it back to when it was called Unili!

Side: Nah
2 points

With all the sand there, it would just turn into a big glass factory.

Side: Nah

Well, first NATO is a useless turd of an organization, and Tripoli probably would go back to Doubleli

Side: Nah

hey i have crazy radical fanatical idea, i mean this is just crazy and it shows how much of an extremisnt i am but instead of taking sides and killing large numbers of people in what is clearly a civil war despite what western media likes to report, maybe some kind peace deal should be the objective of the US and Nato, oh wait i forgot they don't give a two penny fuck about Libyan lives they just want to see Gaddafi gone so they can replace him with a much more amenable puppet.

Side: Nah
1 point

Wait...., what? Those people are having a civil war, they are killing large numbers of people.... and.... you don't want US to join in on the fun? A you freaking on drugs?!?!? ;)

Side: Yeah