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I wanna KNOW what he's saying Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:1
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 I wanna KNOW what he's saying (1)

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Should Trump have PRIVATE conversations with world leaders??

I wanna KNOW what he's saying

Side Score: 1

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 0
1 point

I want to know what he is saying, but that does not mean it is reasonable that I should.

Given how bad the leakage has been in his administration, it is neither unreasonable nor unethical that he would have private conversations with world leaders. The consequences of third party nations (e.g., China or Saudi Arabia) knowing what Trump and Putin talked about could be counter to the national interests of the US, Russia, or both. Therefore, confiscating translator notes, and not sharing the contents of a sensitive conversation between world leaders could be in the interest of frank and productive discussion.

On the other hand, it is possible that all they were really doing was talking about women in the Miss Universe Pageant, in which case confiscating translator notes, and not sharing the contents of a sensitive conversation between world leaders could be in the interest of frank and productive discussion.


Side: I wanna KNOW what he's saying
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