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Debate Score:14
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Should animals be kept as pets?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 3
2 points

Yes. God created animals for companionship. They make great pets! But some countries (like America) have gone WAY over board and allowed monkeys and tigers to be kept as pets! Animals make great pets But we shouldn't go way over board!

Side: yes
2 points

yes, but only if people will NOT abuse of them and give them proper care

Side: yes
1 point

no animal should be abused when they are under the care of a "responsible" person

Side: Yes
2 points

Yes, they should be kept as pets. The real question should be WHO gets to keep animals as pets. There's a heck of a lot of animal abuse, which is disgusting. I have a dog, and the thought of someone attacking her is just horrible. Some animals probably wouldn't be able to survive in the wild. Can you imagine a chihuahua hunting for food? If we feed them, give them shelter, and care for them, then it's all good, as we're just preventing the extinction of some species.

Side: Yes
1 point

Pet:A domestic or tamed animal or bird kept for companionship or pleasure and treated with care and affection.

Yes, in every sense of the word.

If someone has a dog and beats it, that dog is not a pet. At best, it is a slave.

Having a pet is a symbiotic relationship. Dogs developed as companions to humans, for the help they get in finding food and shelter, and humans obtained friendship, protection, warning, and help in finding food as well.

Researchers in Russia have successfully tamed foxes through genetic selection. The tamest foxes were separated from the aggressive in each litter, and the tame foxes were given much human interaction. Over the course of 50 years, the foxes evolved into less-aggressive creatures, and even changed physically. They symbiotic relationship developed with them just as it did with dogs.

If anyone starts to abuse an animal, they shouldn't have that animal any longer, but at that point it is no longer a pet anyway.

Side: Yes
1 point

animals are bad they cause problems and waste your money on them and even time.If you will get a disease by them you will realize your mistake.

Side: No
1 point

animals are bad they cause problems and waste your money on them and even time.If you will get a disease by them you will realize your mistake.

Side: No
1 point

animals are bad they cause problems and waste your money on them and even time.If you will get a disease by them you will realize your mistake.

Side: No