
Debate Info

That's what blacks do. It's a cultural thing for them
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 That's what blacks do. (1)
 It's a cultural thing for them (1)

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Norwich(1576) pic

Should 'black-on-black' murders be omitted from the national statistics?

Black-on-black murders between darkie criminal gangs/tribes, along with personal and family vendettas is a worldwide plague which has existed since the emergence of  Homo-sapiens.
As murder and violence is indisputely a congenital component of the black man's psyche' the inclusion of ''black-on-black'' murders in a country's crime figures  produces misleading murder statistics for that nation as a whole. 

That's what blacks do.

Side Score: 1

It's a cultural thing for them

Side Score: 1
1 point

Regardless of their location blacks murder each other on a pandemic scale.

Crime generally, but violent crime in particular is the darkies forte' so it would be more realistic and accurate to exclude the figures for murder and crimes of violence committed by blacks from the overall national statistics and show them separately.

Side: That's what blacks do.
1 point

It is grossly unfair for the non-black sectors of society to be TARRED WITH THE SAME BRUSH AS THE DARKIES.

Black-on-black murders casts a long,black shadow over the host nations of the darkies.

This shouldn't be and needs to be addressed.

Side: It's a cultural thing for them