
Debate Info

It wouldn't hurt. Too soon.
Debate Score:33
Total Votes:33
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 It wouldn't hurt. (15)
 Too soon. (16)

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jolie(9809) pic

Should black people dress like Cecil the lion in case they get shot by a cop.




It wouldn't hurt.

Side Score: 17

Too soon.

Side Score: 16

Your analogy is a brilliant one and I highly commend you for it.

Side: It wouldn't hurt.
1 point

Black people get shot all day every day and no one bats and eye.

Cecil the lion gets shot and everyone loses their mind.

Side: It wouldn't hurt.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

You are absolutely right. There are never riots when a black person dies. There are never news stories about cops shooting black people then planting evidence. We have never rallied around getting rid of a racist symbol when a group of black people die. You are 100% accurate that when black people die no one bats an eye.

Side: Too soon.
1 point

The guy who shot Cecil was forced to shut down his business (he was effectively fired).

Side: Too soon.
Delta(1348) Clarified
1 point

Who's Cecil the lion? :

Side: It wouldn't hurt.
1 point

He is a protected lion in Zimbabwe that was baited out of a protected area and slowly killed by a dentist who likes to hunt animals illegally.

Side: It wouldn't hurt.
Harvard(666) Disputed
1 point

[The lion] was innocent and became the victim of a 48 hour torture leading to death.

Most humans, and in this case black ones, are doing something that could perceived to be wrong when being shot by the cops (such as running or fighting back). Now legally a cop has no right to shoot someone for running away (unless under certain circumstances), but the fact that the person is disobeying the law (which running away from a cop while detained is against the law) has a factor in being shot. It's not as if a cop just does a drive-by on a black guy for just standing, in almost every instance some form of commotion is going on-which is why most times the cop can get away with the shooting because it's never: "black guy standing still and gets shot" it's "unarmed black man gets shot while [...]," something is going on when a cop shoots someone.

But a lion is not subjected to the same laws as humans, and this lion was lured and killed for pure unwarranted sport. An animal is entirely innocent and therefore stirs up animosity when one is intentionally killed (esp. when that animal did no such thing to deserve to die).

Side: Too soon.
Atrag(5666) Clarified
2 points

You forgot to upvote this one ;)

Side: It wouldn't hurt.
1 point

This was a joke debate.

Side: Too soon.
1 point

I think the better analogy would be to replace "cop" with "black person."

Side: It wouldn't hurt.
1 point

Between 2004 and 2013, there were 511 officers killed in felonious incidents. Of those, over 50% were white. In the last two years, "only" 87 (I used that not to dismiss the amount, but to indicate the number in proportion to the number of black Americans killed) were killed on duty. And remember, over half of those were from non-black Americans. So that means somewhere less than 43 officers were killed by black Americans in the past two years.

Last year alone, there were 238 black Americans who were killed by police officers. You'll note that is about 217 more black Americans killed by police officers than police officers killed by black Americans last year.

So the analogy makes no sense in the order you have indicated.

Side: Too soon.
1 point

I think he means black on black violence.

Should black people dress like Cecil the lion in case they get shot by a black person.

Side: Too soon.
Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point

I said replace, not switch, dummy. I'm talking about intraracial violence.

Side: It wouldn't hurt.
1 point

Criminals of all skin colours get shot every day trying to resist arrest. It's just that blacks have an inbuilt persecution complex which is fostered, and indeed encouraged by sanctimonious numskulls like you trying to stir the brown stuff. Killing for sport is pathetic and sick and the filth who willfully subjected this majestic animal to a prolonged 48 hour agonizing death deserves to be treated in exactly manner. Try thinking before you do a bit of cheap sniping from the anonymity of your computer room by making an altogether inappropriate analogy in an effort to gain the moral high ground. The big brave dentist will probably never be able to safely practice his profession again.

Side: Too soon.
1 point

I wasn't going for the high ground. I was going for the lols.

Side: Too soon.