
Debate Info

Yes, they should be allowed. No, they should be banned.
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 Yes, they should be allowed. (13)
 No, they should be banned. (11)

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JeSuisDELA(17) pic

Should cellphones be allowed in the classroom?

Some teaches see cellphones as distractions in the classroom. However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Should cellphones be used in the ESL classroom or should they be banned. State your opinion and support it!

Yes, they should be allowed.

Side Score: 13

No, they should be banned.

Side Score: 11
1 point

I support that's cellphones should be allowed in class cause sometimes if someting accdient happened with his/her friends and they try to contact you, you will help him/her in time

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
1 point

I agree with tonys. If the cell phone doesn't disturb students, it's ok.

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
1 point

Tony you are the best. I liked your response and I agree.

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point phonedrivingbansstatebystatewhereyoubreakthe_law.html

Should only be allowed in classrooms right ? But why the laws then ?

Side: No, they should be banned.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has been calling for a complete ban on talking and texting while driving, even with hands-free devices.

So the classroom should exempt in what way ?

Side: No, they should be banned.
GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

Are you usually driving while in the classroom?

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
1 point

I agree that's cellphones be allowed in the classroom cease we don't know about the future happen and sometime we need to check somethings about your staying. I think it's good way for supporting you to study.

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
1 point

I agree cellphones allowed in class. Because maybe I used the phone search for the meaning of words. To understand the lessons more.

Thanks million... For support me ^^

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
1 point

I liked your opinion! And I totally agree with your opinion.

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
1 point

I agree with Manee. Cause if we ask to the teacher all the words that we don't know,it takes up too much time.

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
1 point

I agree that's cell phones should be allowed in the classroom because most of us need it to translate the words we didn't understand it.Also to save time, so we don't have to ask the teacher about everything.

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
1 point

Yes, I think cell phones should be allowed in classroom. If the student doesn't disturb other students, I think it's ok. Because every students are adult and they can distinguish that what is good or bad for you. Sometimes we need to use phone in class about lesson. If the student interest the phone not about lesson, this is student's problem.

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
1 point

Yes , I think the call phone should be allowed in classroom because sometimes we use for dictionary also for emergency calling or for describe something :) !

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.

It's not about eliminating the distraction(s), its about teaching other's (students, teachers etc) how to deal with them. I would say all cellphone should be in the OFF position, unless certain circumstances exist and are cleared with the teacher first. Then the student should place the phone on vibrate and leave when they receive the "important" call. Depending on their age, cellphone could be a form of education like others have pointed out.

Simply banning cell phones will not eliminate their existence and would only pose more obstacles for administrators to jump through. Just follow the classroom rules, if the student(s) decide not too, that's where a form of discipline comes in. (Administration actions etc). Like i said earlier, it's not about eliminating the distraction(s), its about teaching other's (students, teachers etc) how to deal with them.

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
1 point

I love school yay school is the best LASC b;ah blsh asdilfbasldnalksdnalksndlkasd

Side: No, they should be banned.
1 point

I disagree other ones.I can't stand it when a student cell phone in classroom.Because I'll be feel annoyed if I had heared it.Although you'll open vibrate mode!

Side: No, they should be banned.
1 point

No, they would be a constant distraction to all the class and a disruption to the continuity of individual lessons and the overall curriculum. Anything which interrupts concentration and creates a diversion from the learning process must never be allowed. Only juvenile nut jobs with little ambition and even less intelligence would support such a ridiculous idea. Following such a foolish notion to it's natural conclusion would see the introduction of portable televisions, ghetto blasters and the array of cyber gizmos designed for the amusement of the brain dead.

Side: No, they should be banned.
GoneFishing(126) Disputed
1 point

"Anything which interrupts concentration and creates a diversion from the learning process must never be allowed." What a can of worms you opened up there. How about we loosen up a bit, shall we? Obviously, education is highly important and an optimum learning environment would be ideal. Eliminating all distraction is not only impossible but a disservice to students.

"The teacher has false teeth so when he talks, he whistles. This is a form of distraction, so we should remove him from the environment." It's not about eliminating the distraction(s), its about teaching other's (students, teachers etc) how to deal with them. Before you go one one of your tangents, i would say all cellphone should be in the OFF position, unless certain circumstances exist and are cleared with the teacher first. Then the student should place the phone on vibrate and leave when they receive the "important" call.

Side: Yes, they should be allowed.
1 point

So, here's the deal.

I went to high school in the early 90s, when cells were pretty rare. And we got along fine without them. SO did all those kids who attended school over the past couple hundred years or so. So obviously if 95% of all the people who have ever gone to school throughout thee years managed perfectly well without them, how the hell can anybody say, with a straight face that they are needed by today's students?

They are an obvious distraction and should not be allowed in class. teachers should ban them, or at least make the students turn them off during class. And then punish anybody who breaks this rule. Oh I don't know, maybe make them write, "I am an android who is hopelessly dependent on my cell phone" on the blackboard 200 times. LOL.

Actually, this is not far from the truth. About the addiction I mean. My friend is a high school nurse and she says that students--almost always girls--are having full-blown panic attacks now when they get to school and realize they forgot their cells at home. Hey, I don't mean just like "Damn--I forgot my cell! I gotta go home and get it!" But legitimate, medically diagnosed panic attacks, often needing medical attention. Symptoms like acute anxiety; hyper-ventilation and dangerously rapid heart-rates.

I laugh when I watch young kids today. Like when they're walking on the street or in a parking lot or somewhere public and as soon as they begin to approach somebody else, like someone is walking toward them, they reach for their cells like some sort of life line, or weapon, LOL--and pretend talking on it! It's hilarious! What a bunch of wimps we now have in our country. My generation actually could make eye contact with strangers and talk to them. Not feel threatened to be in public.

Kids now ARE for the most part androids. Or like the person who has to tweet everything they do. I once saw a girl tweet, "I have a stomach ache. I have to go take a dump."




Side: No, they should be banned.
1 point

They should be banned. I'm sitting in class and I see a classmate looking up answers on his phone and sometimes I see people playing games. I hate when I have to sit next to someone that has there music up and when the teacher tells them to turn it down, they do but than they turn it back up the next second.

Side: No, they should be banned.
1 point

I think a lot of students used it in the wrong way. ex. They're chatting during the class.

Side: No, they should be banned.
1 point

I think if the cellphones allow in classmate most of the students are not going to keep attention with the teacher sometimes the cellphones ring in the class and it's going to disturb another students attention and also it's bothering other students

Another thing that if someone doesn't know meaning of vocabulary word they should ask the teacher not to use the translation that's better to improve their English language .

Side: No, they should be banned.