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 Should certain books be banned from libraries? (4)

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Should certain books be banned from libraries?

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Even though libraries should be privatized either for or non profit, no book should be banned because they are a great source of free speech to explore knowledge and information.

1 point

I imagined a book that should certainly be banned, if any book should. It was a children's book about easy ways to kill people who made you upset.

It talked about:

1.) How grown ups may SAY that killing people who do things that upset you is wrong, but they do it all the time and gave lots of illustrated examples.

2.) Coming up with clever ways to kill people being an admirable career choice.

3.) How if someone is really bad, and they really deserve to get killed, it's ok if some others who are around them get killed too.

4.) How god protects all the good people that he wants to protect, so even if you happen to accidentally kill someone who didn't deserve it, god will make sure they are ok.

4.) How people actually live on after their body dies, and you can kill the body without harming the spirit which is way more important than the body which only lasts a little while anyway.

5.) How we shouldn't worry about good people dying because heaven is an even better place to be than here on earth.

1 point

No i believe books of all sorts and authors should be allowed to publish thier work every person should have thicker skin on all such material to agree or disagree quietly without judging or exhalting ones self for lack of self control.

No. I am against book censorship. However, I do believe that persons should be a certain age to read a controversial book that is rendered to be very adult.