
Debate Info

Sure, why not? Wait...., What? No!
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Sure, why not? (4)
 Wait...., What? No! (5)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Should cops repeatedly taser pregnant women who refuse to sign a speeding ticket?

Court OKs Repeated Tasering of Pregnant Woman

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“Refusing to sign a speeding ticket was at the time a nonarrestable misdemeanor; now, in Washington, it is not even that. Brooks had no weapons and had not harmed or threatened to harm a soul,” (.pdf) Berzon wrote. “Although she had told the officers she was seven months pregnant, they proceeded to use a Taser on her, not once but three times, causing her to scream with pain and leaving burn marks and permanent scars.”

“A suspect who repeatedly refuses to comply with instructions or leave her car escalates the risk involved for officers unable to predict what type of noncompliance might come next,”


Sure, why not?

Side Score: 4

Wait...., What? No!

Side Score: 6

She probably had it coming to her. A conservative living in a liberal city like San Fran ;)

Side: Sure, why not?
1 point

She could have been hiding a belly full of illicit drugs! Cops need people to comply. Although I don't understand why the driver has to sign anything! Guilt is proven by evidence, not the suspect's own signature! That's backward bullshit from a dictator's regime!

Side: Sure, why not?

She wasn't complying with the cops so she should have discipline. Sure she's pregnant, but she got out of the car and continued to talk bad to the cop and wouldn't sign the ticket. The only pain was temporary and in that location. Also, she was tasered 3 times, why didn't she just follow the rules before the third time? If she was worried about hurting the baby, why did she continue to exhibit such bad conduct?

Side: Sure, why not?

I would have tasered her just for the entertainment value ;)

Side: Sure, why not?

Abusive Power of the police. Come one!! Are Pregnant women really that much of a threat?

Side: Wait...., What? No!

There are other methods of abortion than trying to induce a miscarriage by tasering ;)

Side: Wait...., What? No!
1 point

Well as threatening as a pregnant woman is. We still need to be aware that any pregnant woman could be bearing the kid that can solve 2012!

That and tasering pregnant women might be taking it a few steps to far. Can somebody say police brutality?

Then again why was this woman not signing the ticket!?

Side: Wait...., What? No!

She was not signing the ticket because she was being a biatch who thought she was above the law ;)

Side: Wait...., What? No!

They are not a threat - whether pregnant or not. They ought only be allowed to Taser somebody who poses a threat to himself or others - or during a serious crime.

P.S. I prefer Dirty Harry's methods, best.

Side: Wait...., What? No!