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Debate Score:9
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dandebates(11) pic

Should everyone have to call Transgender people by their pronouns?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 8
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2 points

There are only two genders, Male and Female. You are not allowed to just get up and decide what you feel like being from then on out. As Ben Shapiro stated in one of his speeches, if you cannot choose what age you are, then why would you be able to decide what gender you are?

Side: No
2 points

Yes you should. My new pronoun is Darth Negligentt. Now start calling me that, assume I have 3 penises, put a saddle on me, and ride me to the club.

Side: No
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Bronto you giant prawn - do you know what a pronoun is?

Side: Yes
1 point

I don't think that you should have to say anything, or call anybody anything, or respect anybody or their opinions.

Side: No

I think that it depended on what your believes were, I would just advise you that it would not be very wise. I would say it's just a word and common decency. I believe that transgederism is a disease. Most people don't agree with me but it's what I believe.

Side: No

Sane people agree with you. Who cares what these political correct nutcases on the Left think. We are watching the results of their anything goes culture. it is only going to get worse until it all collapses.

Side: No
1 point

Let's just call everyone "it" from now on. Done. .........................................................................

Side: No