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Debate Score:3
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sayyad99(773) pic

Should felons be allowed to vote?

Do you think that felons should be allowed to vote? Do you think that giving them the opportunity to vote gives them a feeling of equality in society or do you think that with this, comes great consequences?


Side Score: 3


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1 point

Depends on the felony.

The problem is making new thing felonies is a political football. Drug problem in your county? Make carrying an ounce of weed a felony.

Real felonies like murder, rape, etc, should end one's right to vote. Going to jail for DUI or a little weed should not label you a lesser citizen for life.

Side: Yes!
1 point

It makes no sense to take away someone's right to vote just because they broke the law.

What exactly are politicians trying to accomplish? Do they think that all of a sudden, if felons vote, they'll vote in a candidate who wants to legalize murder?

Get real, people. Letting felons vote won't cause the country to fall to shit. It will merely give the country a larger representative voice. A felon having the right to vote does not make him more harmful to society. So there is no point in taking away that right.

As well, before someone commits a felony, it's not a deterrent when they think about losing the right to vote (just in case someone brings a retarded argument like that).

Side: Yes!

Since a felon can get a college degree while in prison, I see no reason to ban them from voting.

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