
Debate Info

They should stay They should move
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 They should stay (4)
 They should move (2)

Debate Creator

awsom4ever(149) pic

Should people stay in thier own country

They should stay

Side Score: 4

They should move

Side Score: 2
1 point

They should stay because new comers might have an expired passport as soon as they arrive!

Side: They should stay
1 point

They should stay inside their homes and never come out. They should stay clear of freeways and highways. Stay away from all roads.

Side: They should stay
CatLover(16) Clarified
1 point

What if they were to go out? It might be important! It is safe to WALK on paths! It can be dangerous to CROSS a ROAD if CARS were to COME! WE like using CROSSINGS!

Side: They should stay
0 points

If they go out, they must stay on the sidewalk.

Side: They should stay
1 point

I also forgot, every ROAD should have at least ONE crossing! SORRY pedestrians!

Side: They should stay

Is there a reason for people to stay in their own country regardless of what country they stay in?

Side: They should move
1 point

Generally NO

Specifically ---- sometimes YES

Side: They should move