
Debate Info

Yes, he should. Nah. On second thought, yeah.
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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 Yes, he should. (3)
 Nah. On second thought, yeah. (7)

Debate Creator

downvote(53) pic

Should prodigee change his name to condigee cause he ain't no pro.

Yes, he should.

Side Score: 3

Nah. On second thought, yeah.

Side Score: 9


I just want to remind you guys that CreateDebate is not for trolling's. It is for intelligent debates. You can get banned for having such a dumb topic, just sayin

Side: Yes, he should.
Del1176(4975) Banned
2 points

That is the shittiest excuse for a debate title I have seen in a while.

Side: Nah. On second thought, yeah.
2 points

That's because you are the shittiest subject for a debate.

Side: Nah. On second thought, yeah.
Del1176(4975) Clarified Banned
2 points

Remind me again... Why is it that you made me the subject of your debate?

Side: Yes, he should.
1 point

You are such a troll. Prodigee could kick your ass in a debate.

Side: Nah. On second thought, yeah.

Look at the discussion stream. Prodigee used the same image. I think they are one and the same. Look where Prodigee says, "Oh I see." Click on it. You'll see what I mean.

Side: Nah. On second thought, yeah.
1 point

oh, okay. .

Side: Nah. On second thought, yeah.
0 points

Why are you defending him? Could it be that you are him?

Side: Nah. On second thought, yeah.
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

I defend many people .

Side: Yes, he should.