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Debate Score:32
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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Should school students face a mandatory drug test?

I want a debate about the privacy issues involved in drug testing!


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 16

Sure. Why not? it's not like school is a democracy and kids have privacy rights there ;)

Side: yes
kriti(1) Disputed
1 point

yes surely,as school is d only place which promotes the future citizens of world,nd such measures would definitely screen out those future citizens who'll bring misery in d world.

Side: No
1 point

If the child refuses to listen to the words of their parents about the potential dangers of drugs, then by all means to protect them from such illnesses make a mandatory drug test, it will save many lives.

Side: yes
1 point

The world would be such a better place if our chidren were safer.Check me anytime!

Side: yes

If they aren't doing drugs then they don't have anything to worry about.

Side: yes
1 point

I'm a little shacky on this one. I mean it would be great to do but the money to do it at US public schools would be really expensive California schools I hear are already low on cash themselves.

But it would definetly cut out the drug problems at school..I mean schools are for learning at not other crap.

Side: yes
1 point

28 Island residents died of opioid overdoses in 2009. Opioids include the painkillers oxycodone and hydrocodone.

That number means that in the six to eight weeks it takes for an autopsy to confirm that one person has perished of a drug overdose, at least three more will die.we all know that their is a very high percentage of school students dying because they overdosed on some type of drug. to try to protect a girl or boys life just by doing a drug test is nothing bad. all measures used today to tackle drugs at the source (i.e. by imprisoning dealers and breaking the supply chain) are not succeeding. It is especially important to protect teenagers, at a young or acceptable age and at the time when their attitude to education greatly affects their entire lives. some sacrifice of human rights is needed to protect the overdosing drug problem. kids who don't take or even put a crazy thing in their head to take drugs because it will help their problems have nothing to fear. the purpose of random drug testing is not to catch the one who are overdosing it is to prevent kids from even starting to take them.

Side: yes
3 points

students should not have to take a drug test unless they are doing them at school or causing harm to other people and also because they are a pain to take. this is a free country we should have the right to say we're not taking one.

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Why does everybody think that America is a free country? In some regards, you have freedom. But if you are breaking the law, you do not have freedom. If you do something that is illegal, such as taking opium or PCP, they have a right to test you for it. Remember, this debate is not about the legalization of drugs. It is assuming that people realize that drugs are illegal and to decide to what extremes the government ought to be allowed to take to end the problem.

Side: yes

This is just a another way for the government to push their power into the privacy of their citizens. Just face it. Some kids can't be saved from drugs. Just because they have drug tests isn't going to deter them from pursuing them. It solely rests on the parents responsibility to retract them from drugs. This is one way the government wants to keep a tight grip on public schooling and monopolize it. To keep tabs on people.

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
2 points

It also has the potential of nipping the drug problem in the butt for some of the kids that get caught.

Side: yes
2 points

Please explain to me why it is the responsible of the government and schools to regulate drugs by mandatory drug tests? Is the government raising the children and not the parents. My parents stressed the importance of the potential danger of drugs and not the government. I don't take drugs.

Side: No

Drugs are illegal. This is a fact. However, why are drugs illegal? Is it the fact that they pose a danger to individuals or is the government protecting the cartels? By enforcing illegal drugs, they have created a black market, and it is big. More people die due to the war on drugs than people taking drugs.

If drugs were legalized, the government has the power to control substances. There are already controlled substances today. These include alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs and even some over the counter drugs. For instance, if you go to the store, you must have ID and 21 to buy alcohol and ID and 18 to buy cigarettes. In order to get prescription drugs, you need a signature from a doctor giving permission for you to take drugs, for illegal substances would be no different. It is up to the parents to regulate kids until they reach the age where they are allowed to make the decisions on whether to take the legal drugs like alcohol or cigarettes. The government already warns people with the dangers of alcohol and cigarettes, yet does it stop people from using them, no.

Government already regulates producers, suppliers, buyers, and sellers with licenses.

Side: No
1 point

Test them, then what?


Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

This is not about what happens after. Frankly, I don't give a damn what happens afterwards. Counseling? Therapy? Rehabilitation?

Side: yes
TyTheTiger(104) Disputed
1 point

If nothing happens after, why bother with the test?


Side: No