
Debate Info

Debate Score:19
Total Votes:22
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 YES (5)
 NO (8)

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crazyjessica(18) pic

Should schools block websites


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 11
2 points

My school had a bad problem with kids playing games while they were supposed to be working. With the websites blocked, it helped with the problem. It at least made more obstacles for them to have to go through.

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

Proxy servers are pretty easy to use; you can usually get around barriers. A real solution to the problem would be to convince/teach the kids that they should work on whatever their supposed to be doing without coercing them.

Side: No
1 point

The school library is a place for study and work,kids who use the school computers for recreational purpuoses are keeping other kids from doing their school work.There was also a problem with this in my school and so social networks and game websites were blocked but still kids always find a way to play games.School must provide children the right places for leisure and entertainment but the computers should be used for working purpuoses only.

And of course..all porn sites must be blocked,I don't even know why I'm mentioning this because it's so obvious..

Side: yes
2 points

no! they should not because they are restricting our freedom. maybe can block porn websites though. not others.

Side: No
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
2 points

no! they should not because they are restricting our freedom. maybe can block porn websites though. not others.

You completely contradicted your argument. First you said that they shouldn't block any websites, but then you said that they should block porn sites. Which side are you on?

Side: yes

True about porn it should be block....................................................

Side: No
2 points

True about porn it should be block ...

Side: No

No thats completely dum......................................................

Side: No
uoknow(21) Disputed
2 points

what is ?

Side: only some
1 point

my school had this website blocked for some reason (until i told them =P) which i think was realy dumb because now i know stuff that i didn't know i rekon they should only unblok the informational sites eg. ted talks, this one.

Side: only some
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
1 point

So should they have any sites blocked? I understand unblocking educational sites, which they usually do, but what about game sites or porn?

Side: yes

Everything has an educational value, the question is if its relative to the education which the school wishes to provide. So long as a student isn't using a site when he should be doing something else it shouldn't matter if he gets on a site.

Side: No
1 point

because its stupid why should they be allowed to stop us its not fair and it puts our lifes at risk :p

Side: NO