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Debate Score:50
Total Votes:58
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 No (23)

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brycer2012(1002) pic

Should studens be allowed to have phones at school


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 35

As falaember stated, if anything happens while at school then people need cell phones to contact others. I have a cell phone and take it to school because I usually have long afternoons and need to speak to my parents.

Side: yes
1 point

yes cell phones should be allowed in school because some people may get sick and the school might be locked so he/she has no choice but to use his/her cell phone to call their gaurdian

Side: yes
0 points

Yes or no, everybody who has a phone in my school brings them anyways, so no point banning them lolz

Side: yes
3 points

School is a place to learn not to have a social life, something many teenagers have forgotten. If you want friends, have 'em on your own time!

Side: No
2 points

For kids that live in rural areas, school is the only place where they have social life because of the distances that they live between friends. Occasionally, they would see friends outside of school.

Banning phones from kids completely in schools is wrong because it is schools infringing on freedom. If schools do decide to infringe on these freedoms, and if they do have the power, then the problems will only get worse because teenagers will do whatever means necessary to gain entry into the school with a phone. It is the drug thing all over again. Besides, it would be impossible to regulate kids carrying phones into the school. There is free time allocated at school.

However, if the phone rings or vibrates during class, then it is disturbing the class to their right to learn. Children and teenagers have the right to learn or not to learn. That is their choice. Government or parochial schools shouldn't and can't force people to learn.

EDIT: It obvious that allowing phones in the classroom induce cheating. I already addressed phones in the classroom.

Side: yes
3 points

i agree. i mean if schools were to ban phones completley and something bad were to happen, everyone would be s.o.l.

Side: yes
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
3 points

school is the only place where they have social life

That doesn't mean that they need a phone. People seemed to do pretty damn well the last 500 years.

Banning phones from kids completely in schools is wrong because it is schools infringing on freedom.

What about movie theaters? Everytime I go I see rows of lights and hear people talking and phones ringing.

How does it infringe on freedom? They are in school for one purpose and one purpose only. To learn. If they don't want to learn, then they can ignore the teacher. They do NOT have to spend the time on the phone disturbing the classes.

There is free time allocated at school.

Allow it during the free time. But when they are on the teacher's time they ought not to be allowed to even bring a cellphone into the classroom. That is what lockers are for.

Side: No
2 points

Phones can also be used to cheat the schools Test; for Mathematics, Language courses, and History. By using "texting".

Also, School is a place to get an education not for Drama.

Side: No
johnnyboy46(211) Disputed
2 points

If you cheat using a phone, then it's on you. Your conscience will have to deal with it. You may not be in school. I am. I know what goes on, and the amount of cheating is far lower than many adults think. Also, the amount of texting is much higher than what many adults think. In fact, many of my teachers allow texting simply because it happens so much and they don't want to waste their class time calling people out and punishing them for texting. The fact is, if you're looking under your desk and your hands are under your desk, you're either texting or masturbating. Texting is faster and easier to clean up. My point is that teachers know when you're texting. They choose not to call you out for the sake of the class.

Side: yes
2 points

You can't trust kids with that kind of freedom. I've seen it a thousand times (well... maybe not a thousand). Phones in my high school were supposed to be off and in the locker during the day. I turned mine off, but kept in in my pocket just in case one of my friends sneaked into my locker during the day or something, but a lot of kids texted during class and I have seen some of them actually texting during a test! Any device that might possibly cause unwanted cheating cannot be allowed in class.

Side: No
johnnyboy46(211) Disputed
2 points

See my argument above.


Side: yes
2 points

no. there is no need for children to have a cell in their pockets during school. in fact, they don't even need cells after school. all they'd do with it would be listening to music, texting all day long, and.... taking pics of themselves??? I guess. I mean, what is the use of a cell to a child. also even if they got lost, they'd soon be found by the police, is only a waste of time for students to have cell phones on them.

Side: No
2 points

ha watch this... :P

Cell phones should be allowed at school

Negative Team


1. Constant texting, calling, ringing and vibrating

Side: No
2 points

2. Distraction, Annoying, disruptive ( )

Side: No
2 points

4. Cell phones are not a necessity and have no use in school work and The cell phone is just a item/technology that we want, not need.

Side: No
2 points

5. Cell phone allows people to text people which will waste money and make you lazy as you can just text and you don’t have to walk across the room to tell someone something

Side: No
2 points

6. People from the olden days don’t have cell phones and they lived perfectly well so why do we need a cell phone?

Side: No

3. The amount of cell phones getting phones taken off them will increase

Side: No

7. You’ll be hunched up all day playing the games on your cell phone. There is a thing called the “Outdoors”

Side: No

8. It would make people without cell phones very jealous very very JEALOUS

Side: No

9. People could lose their cell phones and the school could be blamed

Side: No

10. The notices , new letters and emails will be full of notices about lost cell phones.

( Jamming/ Spamming the school way of news distribution which would make people lose interest in the news.

Side: No

11. Cell phones may be stolen by jealous students. I mean dont you hate people who show off?

Side: No

12. Cell phones increase obesity rates as people lose interest in sport and are now glued to the cell phones

Side: No

13. Calculators, cameras and other tools that cell phones contain could help students cheat on tests and assignments.

Side: No

14. Many people who use cell phones too much also experience headaches and even a phantom ringing sound distracting them and keeping them awake at night

( A quote from

Side: No

Cell phones can be a distraction in the classroom. Also, a cell phone is an easy target for a thief.

Side: No