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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Should texting and driving be illegal?

At the same time, not individually.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 1
1 point

Yes, unless you are using a handsfree device to do the texting!

Side: Yes

Handsfree devices are undoubtedly safer. But what if you're using a handsfree device to play Angry Birds while driving?

Side: Yes

Texting while driving is dangerous. So many accidents are caused by it.

Side: Yes
1 point

Just busy-body-porn for the statists that love to believe that taking away liberties from Americans will fix problems.

1. Some studies have shown an increase in car accidents after a ban. Now, who knows why this is actually happening, or how prevalent it actually is, but a good reasoning for it is because people don't stop texting, they just text out of view to avoid cops from seeing them, which is more dangerous.

2. It's unenforceable. Depending on the state, texting and driving laws are limited to texting. With smart phones, you can do a shit load more than just text, and really, i wouldn't even find it better to just completely ban the use of phones while driving (I use my phone to play music through my stereos or create videos or snapchats.) Is a law even worth it if there are a thousand loopholes that are just as dangerous? And, once again, all people will do is text out of sight. In my state, Florida, texting and driving will come in to effect soon, which means I'll have to resort to hiding my phone as I use it instead of putting it up against the steering wheel where I can still see the road.

But traffic laws aren't meant to be reasonable. If they were, BAC levels would be elevated to around .15. Instead, they are reactionary and eventually Draconian (as most laws are.)

Side: No