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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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TeenPassion(281) pic

Should the government be allowed to deport Hispanic people?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 4
1 point

Not just because they are hispanic, but it should be ok to deport any non citizen.

Side: No
1 point

If they are Already Here and make an honest fair living for their family they should be given citizenship, have to pay taxes, entitled to vote. Many will work harder than natural born citizens. If they are contributing they are doing more than a lot of our people.

Side: No

Not if they're American citizens.

Side: No
1 point

Not all Hispanic people. only those that are here unlawfully because they shouldn't be here anyway.

Side: Yes
TeenPassion(281) Disputed
1 point

Well we shouldn't really be here anyway either. I don't remember americans originating from america.

Side: No
AbbyNestor(1028) Disputed
1 point

It depends. If you are here illegally then yes. However if you are here legally then that's fine.

Side: Yes
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

No but we were here when the country was founded we are here legally they are here illegally they should go.

Side: Yes
1 point

If they are drug/human/weapons trafficking, not contributing, taking advantage of the system send them back. If there were a physical "wall" between the US and Mexico "who's here is here" and no more unless they go through the process the legal way.

Side: Yes