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GHS2018(5) pic

Should there be more restrictions on the current process of buying a gun?

It has been said that in 2018 more students have been killed by mass shooting than military over sees. 
Because of this some have proposed that the United States needs more restrictions on the current process of buying a gun. 


Side Score: 3


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In 2015, 10,265 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (29%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.

So you tell me with each child dying from a drunk driver, why the Left is not all over the media pretending to be outraged over these innocent children's deaths? Do you have any idea how many more children are killed by drunk drivers than by guns in schools?

Where is the outrage and demand for alcohol regulations and back ground checks in public bars, nightclubs, etc.

If the real reasons for more gun control legislation is to save lives, why won't the Left propose laws mandating back ground checks in public places that sell alcohol to possible repeat DWI offenders?

I don't want this, but if your goal is to save lives with all your anti Gun rhetoric, you should be over joyed to save many thousands more lives by having background checks on people before buying alcohol in public places.

Do you have any idea how many times repeat DWI drivers continue to drink and drive? Approximately 40% of drunk drivers are repeat offenders! They drive even when their licenses are revoked!

The only way to prevent this is to do a background check before they buy that weapon of death.....ALCOHOL!

Wait, what you say? You say you don't want to be inconvenienced by background checks when buying alcohol? You say you are a law abiding citizen who would never drink and drive?

You say you don't want to pay more for alcohol to pay for those background checks for past DWI drivers?

I THOUGHT YOUR GOAL WAS TO SAVE LIVES? You expect law abiding citizens to pay more and put up with all the inconvenience from your anti gun legislation, but when it comes to your alcohol...... HANDS OFF?

A drunk driver behind the wheels of a car happens millions of times more often than some lunatic with a gun! The odds of you or your loved one being killed by a drunk driver is far higher than the odds of being shot at a concert or Church.

You are hypocrites and total jokes. You prove you could not care less about saving lives. You final goal is to take our guns.

You always spew your ludicrous reasoning why only guns should be singled out to save lives. A police state is just fine as long as it only controls one particular weapon of death..... the gun.

You say we already have alcohol restrictions? Yes, and we already have gun restrictions. You can't buy a gun under age, the same as alcohol. We can't shoot people, you can't hunt near public places and you can not drink and drive. BUT PEOPLE STILL DO IT!

IT'S NOT THE WEAPON OF CHOICE, BUT THE PERSON BEHIND THAT WEAPON. Use the brain God gave you and start addressing why people grow up to be criminals, or become irresponsible drinkers who have no problem drinking and driving.

Start addressing the core problem instead of their weapon of choice.

Side: No
kcampbell771(2) Disputed
1 point

Within your argument I believe you have gone off track of the topic, we are talking specifically about guns and not Automobile accidents created by alcohol. However, I will go with what you are saying and give you the opportunity to explain how leaving the current state of gun legislation / decreasing the strength of gun legislation will provide for a better outcome in which less lives are lost. It obviously has not worked so far in our current governmental system and therefore I believe more control is necessary.

Side: Yes
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

When I explain how many more children lives are lost by drunk drivers, I'm trying to get the gun control hypocrites to admit that there hatred for guns has little to do with saving lives, but rather their desire to take our guns as they have done in Europe and dictator type nations.

What sane person would not go after the biggest killers of children, rather than the rare mass murders by guns. I ask one question to any honest person who would answer.

Do you more fear your child being killed by a drunk driver, or some lunatic mass killer?

Be honest if it is possible!

The cities with the strictest gun laws have the most gun deaths, so your theory of more gun control being the answer is flawed big time.

Side: No
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Tell me why 50 years ago when we had far fewer gun restrictions, we had no mass gun killings of children in schools?

If it's the gun, where were the mass killings 50 years ago?


Side: No
0 points

It is the truth. Democrats keep importing Mexican MS-13 members who kill people with illegal guns.

Side: No
kcampbell771(2) Clarified
2 points

So within this argument I am confused on how you are not pro-gun control, regardless it seems to me that you have a conspiracy based argument that holds no grounding at all. More statistics along with sources would be greatly appreciated.

Side: Yes
Xenithbionic(2) Disputed
1 point

It's satire said in jest. The anti gun fake liberals keep importing people who are very pro gun. Is it not bizarre that the left keeps bringing in illiberal people?

Side: Yes
0 points

I want you to replace the word gun with alcohol in your debate title, and then get back to me.

Many many more thousands of children are killed by repeat drunk drivers then from guns!

Why the fixation on the gun over alcohol, if you want to actually save lives.

Would you support more laws that do back ground checks on any person buying alcohol in Bars or Nightclubs to check to see if he has a past drunk driving record? THIS WOULD ACTUALLY SAVE LIVES because 40% of DWI's are repeat offenders.

What you say? You are a law abiding drinker and do not want to be inconvenienced?

Side: No