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RSS Kcampbell771

Reward Points:2
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Which cities are you referring to when you say "The cities with the strictest gun laws have the most gun deaths".

1 point

Within your argument I believe you have gone off track of the topic, we are talking specifically about guns and not Automobile accidents created by alcohol. However, I will go with what you are saying and give you the opportunity to explain how leaving the current state of gun legislation / decreasing the strength of gun legislation will provide for a better outcome in which less lives are lost. It obviously has not worked so far in our current governmental system and therefore I believe more control is necessary.

kcampbell771(2) Clarified
2 points

Actually I think you are confusing communism with fascism, take a look at the Nordic Socialist countries and compare it with North Korean Fascism and you will see a major difference in terms of economy and overall citizen happiness. As for the "Militant Communist Anarchist" remark that in itself is an oxymoron as Anarchy is a system in which a state has no government and Communism itself is a form of government.

kcampbell771(2) Clarified
2 points

So within this argument I am confused on how you are not pro-gun control, regardless it seems to me that you have a conspiracy based argument that holds no grounding at all. More statistics along with sources would be greatly appreciated.

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