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Debate Score:26
Total Votes:28
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Should we invest in the military more?

Should we expend more funds on the military? Currently the budget is at 685.1 billion dollars. Is this enough. One aspect of this is the military in times of peace, i.e. standing armies.


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 16

Yes. Billions and billions of dollars never stopped the 9/11 terrorist attacks. What'll need to happen before billions and billions of more dollars are invested to protect the nation? Besides, they are in debt $55T, what's another trillion or two?

Side: yes
mudkipz2(360) Disputed
1 point

no its not more money that would us saved us. its more intelligence that would of saved us. if the CIA and FBI communicated better, 9/11 would of not happened. we have 202,000 marines in are military plus 40,000 reserves. this does not include are GI or air force, or navy, or specialist units, but just marines. that number of marines alone is bigger then the U.Ks whole army alone. we don't need more money in are military. we need to reinvest or money in the military. what i mean is that we dont need $5,000,0000,being spent on refurnishing ww2 ships, or $10,000,000,000 being spent on multiple anti terrorist units that all do the same thing. and we don't need $????? amount being spent on nuclear war heads. if we subtracted money form places that don't need it and put them on things that do need money, such as a better retirement plan for veterans, or maybe in the construction department, so we can build more schools and hospitals in the middle east, it would help with the have the huge deficit that America is in today.

Side: No

Horribly worded and idealistic. But still a good thought.........

Side: Yes
1 point

HA! Spending another 2 trillion on the military. That is probably the only smart way to spend that much money

Side: yes
1 point

Yes we need to invest more in the military!! the more money the have the more supplies they can buy to keep this great nation safe

Side: yes
2 points

The military spending is not an "investment." It is an expenditure.

You might say that the military is needed for our survival. Well, so is eating. When you dine out, are you investing in that restaurant? No, you are spending your money for goods and services you need, with no expectation of financial return.

The question we need to ask is, "Is our current level of military expenditures productive and appropriate?" My answer is, "No."

Side: Lower our military expenditures
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

The military spending is not an "investment." It is an expenditure.

It is an investment in the protection of the nation. It is necessary for YOUR survival. I'm in Canada, so I don't really give a damn other than that if anything happens to America, Canada is next.

When you dine out, are you investing in that restaurant?

It is not essential that you use that restaurant. You could eat vegetables grown in your own backyard, wouldn't that be more of an investment because you'd be saving a lot more money than if you go out to eat every night?

"Is our current level of military expenditures productive and appropriate?"

Do you think that another 9/11 would have happened if America had less of a military?

If it will protect the masses, surely it can be considered useful.

Side: yes
1 point

Military spending is not an investment. Never was or never will be. It is taxation, which is an expenditure of the government. If you assume military spending is an investment by protecting the nation, you are sadly mistaken.

An investment is spending money or capital in order to gain profitable returns such as interest, income, or appreciable value. Investing can be as simple as saving money or deferring consumption. Thus, military spending does not qualify as a investment because there is no profitable return. Military spending is not a profitable return because it is a public good used by taxes. A public good is non-rivalry and Non-excludable, which means the availability of protection is not reduced by supply and nobody can exclude you from protection.

Types of investment would include pension funds, assets such as property, commodities, stocks, bonds, new equipment or foreign assets such as currency or companies.

The only government investment is:

Coins, Jewelry, and Gifts from the U.S. Mint


Currency from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Store

Patents and Trademarks

Savings Bonds

Treasury Bills, Notes, and Bonds

Lastly, if the U.S. or Canada wants more protection, then the government has to tax more.

By the way, when you dine out, the only person investing in the restaurant is the proprietor or entrepreneur, you are just a consumer.

$600 billion dollars of our money is enough. Of all the military spending, U.S. accounts for almost 50% of the world.

Side: No
hmicciche(660) Disputed
1 point

Investment or Expenditure?

Eating is an investment in not starving to death. And I expect to make lots of money from simply eating and living. Cause that's what investments do. Right?

Expenditures, on the other hand, are purchasing goods and services wanted or needed (even for survival) without expectation of making a profit --- unless, of course, someone completely ignorant of the economic concepts of investment and expenditure insists that buying guns and tanks and planes in going to make us lots of money.

Investing in the restaurant

No, eating at the restaurant is not essential, unless you want to use it as a metaphor for spending too much money purchasing armaments from the war industry. Of course, one can always make a Stealth bomber in one's backyard, as long as you don't mind it mucking up the garden.

Is growing vegetables in your own garden an investment? No, its a more productive and appropriate expenditure to secure food to eat as compared to a restaurant.

"Do you think that another 9/11 would have happened if America had less of a military?"

Do you think the military is guarding our borders? No, they are not. They are off in Iraq and Afghanistan. Listen. Why do you think Al-Qaeda wants to blow up planes before they land in the US, for example, the underpants bomber incident? Its because they know our civilian border control agents would catch them. Border control is run by civilians, not the military.

We can "protect the masses" more cheaply and more wisely. Do you really need to me list the wasteful and unnecessary spending on military programs and hardware that is occurring? Given your level of understanding even the most basic concepts of economics and US homeland security, I'm not sure explaining more to you would be a good expenditure of my time.

Side: No
1 point

Take the militaries of China, the UK, France, and Russia (the four biggest militaries besides the US). Combine them all together. Then double that. That's about the size of the US military.

It's fucking insane.

We are spending way more than we need to.

Just think of all the more productive ways we could be using that money.

Dumping so much cash into national defense weakens our overall economy, and in the long run that is the far greater threat to national security.

Side: No

Finally, someone who argues that military spending is not particularly good thing especially bases sprinkled around the globe. It is a sign of military imperialism.

Side: No
1 point

america has over 750 unecesary military bases around the world. it spends 10 times more than china. most of the money is being used towards evil, such as blowing up random people. the money can and should be better used elsewhere such as healthcare, and welfare. id rather see some "lazy bum" get a free meal, than a defenseless afgan getting blown up on his way to work.

Side: No

Use the money for Education and stop with funding the war machine.

Side: No