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user554random(1175) pic

Should we limit women's sexual freedom?

In response to something GeneralLee wrote, I wrote the statement "Having sex with multiple partners, so long as they are consenting adults, violates NO ONES rights." 

He then responded with the following: "Wow, that was a bold statement. I do not think you fully understand how much that destroys a women. Because you are a heartless guy, you have no clue what sex does to women.

When women have sex with a guy, they bond with him. This bond is extremely strong, like super glue. When the heartless douche has his fill of sex and breaks up with here, he basically destroys her. So much so, I think it is a crime against women and should be outlawed."


He says that women should not be allowed to have multiple sex partners because it will destroy the woman, therefore it is a crime against women and should be outlawed.  Do you agree or disagree with this position?  


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 7
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1. If a women wants to be a whore thats her choice, not ours.

2. Sex doesn't mess women up

3. If a women wants to cheat on her parter, she can go ahead and do it, its fucked up, but she should be allowed to do it, this isn't the Philippines where you can be arrested/executed for adultery.

4. Lets say sex actually does mess women up and all men are pig assholes (both statements are false but we'll pretend they are true) if the women chooses to get "messed up" by sex with many different men, that is her choice. Its like drugs, if you get fucked up because you decided to watch Insidious on acid, that's your problem, not your genders.

Side: No
1 point

Agreed, if women want to be slutty slut slut whore bitches, let them be. Unfortunately, disease will spread the more unprotected sex is established, and chances are, most whores do not use protection. Also, if you know a whore is whore and is dirty, do not sleep with them. Even if she is hot as hell, say no. It would be shameful for our country to illegalize whoredom/adultery due to the fact that our country is meant for the freedom of many aspects, including choosing or not choosing to be a whore.

Side: No
1 point

I'm going to ignore the only other two arguments on here that are extremely offensive.

As a woman myself, I love the fact that I have sexual freedom. It's a choice. Even if it is dangerous to women, which I highly disagree with, it's still a choice that a woman makes herself.

I personally love that I have the choice to talk to whoever I want to and I get to choose what I want to do with that person. Be it sex, or just go out for coffee.

But honestly, no matter what I choose, I don't see it being anyone's damn business except my own. There should never be a discussion about what people want to do with their own personal lives, it's personal.

Oh, and before some newbie gets the wrong idea, just because I"m saying these things, doesn't make it okay for you to assume I'm a whore. Because I'm not.

Side: No
1 point

Offensive to whom? To the whores of society? In that case are you defending whores? I don't personally care what women do, if they wish to be whore then fine, if they choose not to then fine. However, one must realize that there are men whores and women whores. I personally do not defend man whores myself, I feel men whores are dirty and offensive to society because it can spread disease, it promotes unprotected sex. However, sex is sex and I can't judge people based upon sex, so its a toughy. I didn't intent to offende women, but I did intend on being real that in this life there are whores who are bitches, without a doubt.

Side: No
Saurbaby(5581) Disputed
1 point

It's interesting how you're basically just assuming that someone who sleeps with multiple people have unprotected sex, and are bitches.

In reality, I know more people who are in a committed relationship that have unprotected sex. When you hook up with people you actually tend to be more careful because you don't want to end up with that person. Unlike someone who is in a committed relationship who puts their defenses down.

And there are other ways to get diseases you realize.

Side: Yes
1 point

Keep in mind also, I believe women should have just as much freedom as men do, and sex is natural, yet I believe it shouldn't be taken lightly, which many people do. If a womens (or mans) goal in life is to have as much sex as possible with as many partners as possible, I would question what their motives were, other than sexual pleasure? I mean, peoples' sexual life is of no concern to me, other than if it starts to negatively effect society, then it should stop, or at least slow down..

Side: No
1 point

Sex is healthy for people. It helps with stress, creates a positive mood, and is great exercise.

And if you don't care about what people do, then I feel you should say things like "whores" or "Bitches".

Side: No