
Debate Info

we should prolong life we shoulnt prolong life
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 we should prolong life (3)
 we shoulnt prolong life (6)

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Emixam(10) pic

Should we prolong life?

i have a school project to do and i need some ideas that we shoulnt prolong life.. HELP?

we should prolong life

Side Score: 3

we shoulnt prolong life

Side Score: 9
1 point

Why wouldn't you?

I don't get it. Our nature deems we strive for longer life. We have no choice in the matter from a desire perspective but in cases of extreme unending pain or madness.

If you mean from a social perspective in terms of resources, there are plenty of solutions for this from skyscraper farming in cities to means of converting ocean water to drinking water.

We know how to get the resources to feed, water, clothe and shelter a human population drastically larger than what it is currently, it's simply whether we have the will to do such.

Side: we should prolong life
Oiden(395) Disputed
1 point

Living longer would be nice but then we would have to deal with overpopulation, to many people to substain. we would want to but the thing is that it would ruin things.

Side: we shoulnt prolong life
iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point

I addressed those concerns .

Side: we should prolong life

As long as a serum for youth is invented that can counter the aging of the internal organs.

Side: we should prolong life
3 points

People keep fussing about the problems of overpopulation etc, without realizing the core of the issue. It isn't because we like to have sex more or because we are more fertile now - it's because of modern medicine, we live much longer.

By researching such technologies, overpopulation will become more of a problem and more radical approaches need to be taken.

Life extending tech may also be quite expensive, meaning that there will be a whole new form of upperclass people, who will stay in power for far longer. Rich dictators will look at such technology with glee.

Side: we shoulnt prolong life
2 points

While I'm for the other side, I'll try to help you out.

Obviously it goes against nature, we were made to live that long, so why fight it? Also, just because we can live longer does not mean we will actually live. For example,prolonging a life of someone who is bed ridden seems pointless to most people.

Side: we shoulnt prolong life
1 point

I believe we live for a reason and die for a reason. Nobody deserves to live forever. Plus have you seen people that live to be like 100? They can't walk most the time or move barely at all. If I live past 90 shoot me. lol

Side: we shoulnt prolong life
1 point

Life is a awesome but think about it. When you get old your bones get brittle and you slowly fade away. Prolonging that would probably suck. Unless we could find a way to prolong our youth, our health then that might be helpful. but then again it would be harder to get 'out with the old and in with the new'

Side: we shoulnt prolong life
1 point

Humans have a given time that they should live.. i think we should let others live. Just like saurbaby said, living doesnt just mean that you are really living your life. Youre just alive, and yet, you dont get the best of anything.

Side: we shoulnt prolong life