
Debate Info

Yes, it's about time No, the founders were psychic
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Yes, it's about time (4)
 No, the founders were psychic (3)

Debate Creator

HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Should we update the U.S. constitution?

Yes, it's about time

Side Score: 5

No, the founders were psychic

Side Score: 3
1 point

FDR's second bill of rights needs to be added to the American Constitution.

This includes: Employment, with a living wage

Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies


Medical care


Social security

Side: Yes, it's about time
1 point

I do not think it would be good for our economy for the federal government to create more mandatory fiscal spending.

Your argument over simplifies many complex issues going on in our nation.

I would agree with you on one point however, education. For our nation to grow, we need to provide a solid education to our future generations, something we have been doing less and less of.

Side: No, the founders were psychic
kozlov(1754) Disputed
1 point

I'm afraid that you do not realize that the cost of all of these programmes would cost about 30-70 billion dollars maximum annually. The defense budget of the US is 500 billion dollars annually. If the rights which are provided in the Second Bill of Rights are implemented, many freedoms are guaranteed for the people of the United States. Freedom=Development.

Side: Yes, it's about time

The Constitution is jaded. It needs to be re-written for the 21st century.

Side: Yes, it's about time
1 point

Don't update it. Just abolish it.

Side: No, the founders were psychic
HoldTheMayo(5913) Clarified
2 points

And then what? Give anarchy a shot?

Side: Yes, it's about time
HatedByMany(61) Clarified
1 point

Then become a decent fucking country like the rest of the world instead of some arrogant superpower who thinks it's the best at everything.

Side: Yes, it's about time

UPDATED? What it is not even followed now? It has been tramped on since the turn of the 20th Century.

Side: No, the founders were psychic
HoldTheMayo(5913) Clarified
2 points

Please elaborate on this.

Side: Yes, it's about time