
Debate Info

Yeah! No!
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Yeah! (2)
 No! (5)

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johnbonham32(2426) pic

Should you be able to give people gifts, as in points of your own to someone else?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 10
2 points

Here's an idea I just had:

What if everyone started with like 100 points, right off the bat, except that when you upvoted someone, it removed that point from your points and gave it to them. There would be like a marketplace of points, where the amount of points possible is determined by the number of users... There are obviously some kinks to work out, but it's a start.

Side: No!
Bradf0rd(1431) Disputed
2 points

If everyone started with 100 points you could write a script to automatically create CD accounts, and while it's doing it, have it go to your personal waterfall through the new account and add an upvote to every argument until their points are 0 and then delete the account... leaving just your original account with as many points as you desire... if you make 10 accounts that's 1,000 points. Heh, lulz could ensue if only I had the time and concern.

I know, you could do the same now... just saying.

Side: No!
2 points

Wow. I didn't know/think about that.

But isn't that what the Re-Captcha thing is for?

Or can you easily bypass that?

Seems like more work than it's worth for fake points.

Side: No!

Yeah, why not. then maybe I can bribe people to be my friend. pathetic, huh ;)

Side: Yeah!
3 points

I'm just going to point out that if this happened, I'd probably make another account to get extra points and give them to my main account. :) Nah. Takes too much effort. But others might?

Side: No!

Points may be rather meaningless insofar as you get nothing for them but wait, do you not have the pleasure of knowing that you earned those points in good debate or comments? I do! I'm very proud of every point I've ever earned here and it shows ME how I'm doing...I'm happy with that. Anything else tips the scales inaccurately and unfairly. Come, I'll take you to dinner and never expect you to leave the tip.

Side: No!