
Debate Info

Open your buttocks to the wind Seal my anus with jizz
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Open your buttocks to the wind (3)
 Seal my anus with jizz (3)

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DogBreathIII(23) pic

Should you be publically/openly proud of your ideology or generally keep your mouth shut?

There are bumper sticker types, then there are types who will say this or that if it comes up but not be flamboyant about it, then there are people who zip their lips in fear that the Illuminati will creampie their fear-induced freshly pooped pants for daring to express their opinion. It greatly depends how extreme/controversial your views are but it thus begs the question, what is the ideal amount of lip zipping for the ideal/most correct views to have? What are those views? They're mine, not yours!

Open your buttocks to the wind

Side Score: 3

Seal my anus with jizz

Side Score: 3
1 point

It depends, I guess. Should slaves complain about the quality of the food? It all comes down to whether progress or self-preservation is your priority.

Side: Open your buttocks to the wind
1 point

Also, I'm going to meticulously snap every joint in your body, roll you up into a neat little cannonball, and fire you towards Jamaica.

Side: Open your buttocks to the wind
DogBreathIII(23) Disputed
1 point

I am going to purchase your mother from the local stables and ride her bravely into the nearest pillow fight with a lance and greatsword.

Side: Seal my anus with jizz
DogBreathIII(23) Disputed
1 point

Should slaves complain about the quality of the food? It all comes down to whether progress or self-preservation is your priority.

Progress is self preservation, otherwise the quality of the food shouldn't even matter. So yeah, good luck revolting alongside the other slaves who literally care more about the latest celebrity boob job than implementing socialism. Sounds like a more effective path to progress/better food quality for you than simply being an evil Jew and making money.

Side: Seal my anus with jizz
loopdaloop(158) Disputed
1 point

Progress is self preservation

You are wildly mistaken. Cowardice is self-preservation.

So yeah, good luck revolting alongside the other slaves who literally care more about the latest celebrity boob job than implementing socialism.

You provide resistance to tyranny not because you expect to win, or even survive, but because it's a matter of principle. That's bravery. When all the odds are stacked against you but you stand your ground regardless then there was a point to your life. You didn't start worshipping evil just because it rolled into your country in tanks.

Side: Open your buttocks to the wind
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