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Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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sayyad99(773) pic

Should young people be subjected to night-time curfews as a way to reduce crime?

With the recent rising in the level of crimes committed, many people say that young people should be subjected to a nigh time curfews inorder to reduce crime. Do you think that this will have any effect on the crime rate given the facts that many young people as young as 13 have been getting killed recently after going home from parties late in the mornings especially in areas such as New York?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1

Young people are minors and minors must be protected, so, a curfew in place is logical.

Side: Yes!

This is not a totalitarian dictatorship. People have the right to be out whenever they want. This would only end up costing tax payers more to fund increased prison populations, police, surveillance and a new government agency in charge of handling this task.

Side: No!