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Customer Service is great here Customer Service sucks
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Customer Service sucks (1)

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trifinn(82) pic

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Customer Service....Do Americans still take pride in our jobs?

Has customer service diminished in America.  Do you find that when you go through a drive thru, for example, that you recieve positive, respectful people that understand you chose to spend your money in their establishment and appreciate that, or do you find that most employee's act as if you are a burden to them, they don't want to work they have to work, so guess don't matter.

Customer Service is great here

Side Score: 0

Customer Service sucks

Side Score: 2
Winning Side!
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2 points

From my experience, when grabbing some fast food at the drive thru, the employees seem to be imposed by me ordering food. If you take too long to order, they obviously become annoyed. After you pay and you get your food, they rarely thank you for your purchase or for visiting their establishment. I believe the worst for me is when dealing with some of the government offices, the DMV for example. I dread running that errand.

Side: Customer Service sucks