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 Strongest/Strangest Accents? (4)

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shaash(434) pic

Strongest/Strangest Accents?

What place accents the English language in the strangest way, changing it to sound almost like a foreign language?



Russia, New Joisey, Bwoston, German, African, etc.

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2 points

This just depends on where you are from and where the speaker is from also the amount of exposure to the specific accent.

1 point

Personally, I find thick German accents the hardest to understand. I can't tell whether the person is talking in German or English!

1 point

Some of the Asian accents are extremely difficult to understand and when listening to an Asian I constantly have to ask the speaker to repeat themselves. The Glaswegian accent is almost impossible to comprehend, and really could be any language. Other strange accents include those from Northern Ireland,especially Belfast and the North Antrim area. I find the ''cultured'' English accent and pretty much the full range of American accents the easiest to understand.

I think the Boston accent gives the English language a certain tone.