
Debate Info

Same Different
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:12
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altarion(1955) pic

Techno VS Regae

In retrospect, are techno and regae the same style of music?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 6
0 points

In a sense, they are the same. Because, although Techno is a faster beat, the underline beats are similar to that of Regae. So, in a sense, Regae is just a slower, more upscale Techno. But when we have different versions of Country or Hip-Hop, we don't separate them into different genres. So why do we do it with Techno and Regae? Techno and Regae should belong to the same genre and not act like they are so different, when in reality, they are quite the same.

Side: Same

Techno is a genre that must remain just that lest the importance of its infusion into many other types of music be lost within it. You're absolutely right in thinking that reggae is similar, however, it's no more similar than techno is to jazz, rock, classical or any other form of music it's used to enhance. Having said that I do not mean to infer that Techno is at all an add-on. It can and does stand alone in its own right. It's entirely possible that what you hear are the roots of Techno brought to the scene by three Afro-Americans who pioneered it with its percussive tones and bass-lines. Techno is a fascinating and most interesting way to make music since it does not have to rely on the "realistic" sounds of a group of musicians. It can bring any number of electronic instrumentations in and out at will and change rhythm patterns at will, all uninterrupted. Techno is an extremely layered type of sound and even though it is mixed into many other genres, should stand alone.

Side: Different
1 point

how can you even think a genre of music like techno is like reggae?

reggae is a calming music created by Rastafaris which was used to promote their religious beliefs. of course, now they sing about more than that in their lyrics but it's all pretty much the same.

then you have techno, up-beat computerized music associated with raves and ecstasy

...these are obviously two completely different types of music from two completely different origins and are associated with two completely different kinds of things. they do not belong in the same category.

Side: Different

Techno music is real loud and the drums sound strong. Techno causes a frenzy on the dance floor.

Side: Different