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 Tell Me About Your Neighbors (10)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Tell Me About Your Neighbors

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1 point

Country folk, they start off talking about how they painted there house etc. Then proceed about what color choice, where they got it. out of nowhere they talk about someone they saw and who they knew, "ohhh erm it's that guy who live on random street twenty minutes from another random person. " You go down random street and random street, Oh shoot you know, the guy that works at random place. I nod and smile...Then talk about how their garden is doing bad, and blame it on the wrath of god. Lmao, it's fun to be inquisitive with them over there beliefs though.

1 point

I've lived in my house for 11 years and my neighbors have all been here this entire time. Well, the people next door and I have always gotten along just fine... I recently had some upgrades down to the house... mainly a new attached garage.... today I had a small, 20 foot long privacy fence put down the side because it's so close to the next door peeps... Well the contractor who has been doing the work said that the woman next door made a big deal about it and when I got home I saw the people next door outside measuring and shit like maybe I was on their side of the yard which I most definitely am not! What the fuck is their problem?

1 point

What if they came up to you and were like "Yo, yard thief! Your fence is two centimeters too far!".

1 point

Fuck them! The fence is right up against my driveway... four fucking inches! They can go to hell. lol

1 point

DUDEEEE this reminds me of my mom and our old lady neighbor with there battle. My family is from chicago, and my mom moved down here 16 years ago (very southern) They disliked my mom and "accidentally" cut one of their big trees down landing in our drive way. So my mom accidentally had a yard fire and oddly enough caught the tree on fire (gas) and burnt into there yard, destroying there garden surrounded by a creek. So my neighbor put a fence up dividing my house and my mom afterwards planted what were suppose to be 5 foot mini trees. 16 years later those mini trees are 13 feet. Humorously the old women battle concluded lol.

They came over a few weeks ago and they haven't spoken to me since. The husband told me they were swingers and asked if I was interested in wife swapping and I was like, "Swap my wife for your skanky ass wife?" And he was like, "Ah come on. You don't have to be mean like that." And I was like, "Son, if you want to do my wife, you better bring something good to the table. I mean, she's old, wrinkled, used up, everything sags..." And he was like, "OK, you know what? I don't have to take this shit. We're leaving." And I was like, "Yeah, well, don't come to my home and insult me with some shit ass offer." I guess I told him ;)

They stink, smell like feces and cigarettes, their dogs are always pooping in my yard. If you talk to them, the conversation will most likely consist of their profound hatred for Mexicans and how the Mexicans are taking over America. I had a fence put up so that I don't have to see their grotesque yard when I go outside.

Boring neighbors...boring life

what's messier...a gun or a knife?

1 point

My neighborhood is full of gossip crap really but my family is never apart of it. It's mostly the women who gossip a lot in the neighborhood that gather together. I know my next door neighbor is nosy and my house is close to their house so they can hear whenever we are talking normally in our house or when someone yells they can hear. And they always are outside doing something in their garden or outside in their backyard listening to what we are doing. So most of the time we have to be quiet because my mom usually says "They are outside" and that we have to quiet down so they don't really hear what's going on inside our home.

1 point

My neighbors are white .

They are too quiet to know anything about. They mind their own business which is fine with me.