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Racism Exists in Australia Racism does not exist in Aus
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Racism Exists in Australia (5)
 Racism does not exist in Aus (4)

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Nilou(21) pic

That Racism Exists in Australia

This is for a debate at school. I can't find many point for and against.

Racism Exists in Australia

Side Score: 5

Racism does not exist in Aus

Side Score: 4
1 point

We hardly ever see members of the Indigenous community on our Australian advertisements. When was the last time that you saw an aboriginal person advertising for Coles? Some people believe that aboriginals are dark skinned people who laze around all day, but of course we know that this is just a stereotype. Stereotyping is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of thing or person. I personally find it racist that we do not include these people who make up our country and who have been here a lot longer than the rest of us, not be allowed to be even on our televisions.

Side: Racism Exists in Australia
1 point

Racism is inevitable. It will always be present, and we will never be able to get rid of it. There is no such thing as a racism "free" country. There will always be a portion of people who are racist, some being Australians. The only things that may change with racism, is the amount of it in a place. Some countries will have a lot, and others just a bit. It's not for me to say if Australia is racist or not, as I am just a young person with not much experience with these things. I also have some arguments against the opposing team's case. Negative stated that Australia is an inclusive, multicultural, welcoming, open and harmonious country. This is easy to say, as everyone would represent their country with a very bias opinion on how racist they are. Negative also said that our racists have "little power". This is not true because racist people will always tell others about their beliefs, influencing them to possibly have the same opinion, or even to repeat it to others. Australia is racist, and the proof is all around us, just listen to a conversation and your bound to pick up some racist remarks.

Side: Racism Exists in Australia
1 point

Racism exists everywhere. We see it in different forms. People give preference to tall over short, thin over fat, blue eyes blonde hair over black, small nose over big, bi-lids over mono-lids, full head of hair over balding.....these are all forms of racism that exists everywhere no matter what anyone tells you.

You have to understand that the term "racism" is a new word. It didn't exist before 1900. It wasn't even popularized until about the mid 1900s, and truly enforced until the late 1900s. Racism is a ideological and political weapon. It's used to put fear and guilt and shaming into others so that you can ultimately get whatever it is you want. I'm sorry but, the word racism today stands to defend more against the political and ideological ideal of a certain groups of power, rather than to actually stand for just treatment of all human beings.

They never had a word for it in the 10,000 years of human history until 1900s. So what do you think people said or did about it? Nothing. Since the word didn't exist, you couldn't guilt someone by pointing out that they hate you and but like someone else because of how they look. LOL. That had 0% bearing on anyone.

If you are smart enough to pick up on how "racism" is being used as a weapon rather than to actually help the just cause of fair treatment of all peoples, you'll understand what I'm talking about. Outside of that, the rest of you have no idea what racism actually is and think that's something to defend blacks or muslims. Racism exists and has existed for centuries in every society , every culture, and every civilization. To think that you can guilt someone into surrendering by calling them a racist is the most vile form of injustice and corruption.

I hate the word racism. It's the #1 excuse for everyone to get whatever it is they want. The reality simply is, my culture or yours.....that's it. There will always be a majority and a minority and there will always be a dominant view/culture and minority one. Therefore, racism will always exist. It's not actually like there's anything wrong with it. People dominate, cultures dominate and that's what they do. Do you really think life would be any different if blacks ruled the world or muslims ruled the world? Racism would still exist, but this time, just from a different perspective.

Side: Racism Exists in Australia

So called racism exists in every corner of the earth where ethnic groups converge. From Saudi Arabia to South Africa, from Argentina to Northern Ireland, from Australia to Canada and so forth. This congenital human characteristic will never be expunged by the passing of draconian laws nor by forcing people to listen to the sanctimonious drivel spewed out by the bleeding hearts brigade. The only people who can mix different colours successfully are painters.

Side: Racism Exists in Australia
1 point

Racism exists in Australia let me tell you why.

Racism exists in Australia because the thing indigenous Australians are best at is calling racism when it isn't there. its pretty hard not to be racist when that's all we ever get called. A white man working in customer service stops a black man from stealing. racist.

a white man describes a black man as dark skinned. racist. a white police officer arrests a black man for committing a crime. racist. racism is very real in Australia because they want it. without "racism" these indigenous may no longer get there pay out there doll there loans. they may actually serve some time for committing a crime. this racism that is supposedly so bad is keeping them comfortable. I tell you its pretty dam hard to not be racist when that's all you're ever called. I am not sorry for what my ancestors did to your ancestor. move on.

Side: Racism Exists in Australia
1 point

We may not always be sensitive to some cultural differences but let's be blunt, we're not racist. We don't have the race riots of France or the UK. There is no country that is more open, welcoming and inclusive than Australia. We are always told that we are a multicultural nation and accepting of others. Of course, some measure of racism must exist in Australia, as it does in every corner of the world, but we are fortunate that our racists are a minority with little power or influence and whose irrational attitudes are normally done out of nothing more than jealousy. You only need to look at the thriving Vietnamese, Italian and Greek communities, among many others, for proof that Australia is not only a welcoming nation but one where a multitude of cultures exist in harmony. And that is something to be celebrated. And as for the affirmative point that we don't see aboriginals on television, I have an argument against that. In the total population of Australia, only 3% are aboriginals. So if an ad were to have 100 people in it, only 3 would be aboriginal and about a dozen would be Asian. This is not racism, it is reality.

Side: Racism does not exist in Aus
1 point

racism is a made up word, a political and ideological weapon. It doesn't exist. The only thing that exists is justice and injustice. Racism doesn't exist. It's completely fabricated and manipulated to anyone's whims. See my post on the other side.

Side: Racism does not exist in Aus
1 point

here's a little test for you to prove my point: point out anything wrong in life and say that it's "unjust". Will anyone care? Probably not. But say to them, "that's racism", now all of sudden everyone listens and is worried. See? It's a made up weapon. There is only just and unjust.....but people only care now if you use the word "racism" because that scares the shit out of you as oppose to me saying, "you're an unjust person!"

Side: Racism does not exist in Aus
1 point

I do agree with you logicaljoe. You keep saying that racist is not a word, but it is, it's in the dictionary. However I think that the word is misunderstood and frequently used in the wrong ways.

Side: Racism does not exist in Aus