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The AHCA is great! The AHCA is terrible!
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 The AHCA is great! (1)
 The AHCA is terrible! (1)

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norochan(41) pic

The American Healthcare Act ("Trumpcare"): Good or Awful?

Do you think that passing this bill will be good for the U.S. or will it cause far more negative affects than positive?

The AHCA is great!

Side Score: 1

The AHCA is terrible!

Side Score: 1
1 point

Hello n:

It depends on your perspective.. This is a tax cut designed as a healthcare bill.. So, if you're wealthy, Trumpcare is GOOD..

If your perspective is long term, Trumpcare is sooo bad, that it's gonna result in a wholesale overhaul of the House. Consequently, if you're a cynical Democrat, Trumpcare is GOOD.

If you're an average worker with HIGH insurance premiums, Trumpcare doesn't LOWER them at all, so Trumpcare is BAD.

But, if you're sick, or poor, or old, then your perspective of Trumpcare is that it's gonna KILL you, so Trumpcare is BAD.


Side: The AHCA is great!
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Financial challenges are threatening the survival of Washington’s Healthplanfinder insurance exchange.

First, the marketplace is facing a state budget proposal that would provide roughly two-thirds of the money that exchange officials say they need.

Then this week, U.S. officials warned that exchange spending plans include what could be the illegal use of federal grant dollars.

The Senate’s budget plan “threatens the viability” of the exchange, Ron Sims, chairman of the board overseeing the exchange, said in a recent statement.

If there’s any comfort for officials with the Washington Health Benefit Exchange, which operates Healthplanfinder, it might be this: they’re not alone. Most of the 17 state-run exchanges are struggling to figure out how to make their marketplaces pay for themselves, a requirement of the Affordable Care Act. And the government acknowledges that there’s confusion among some of the states about how to legally spend their federal grants.

Obamacare is or was working well for Seattle ?

Side: The AHCA is great!

I would have to say that it is bad. How are we supposed to consider it an insurance plan?

When you're healthy you don't pay hardly anything. But when you do get sick, you will be charged into bankruptcy. That's the complete opposite of how insurance works.

Side: The AHCA is terrible!
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Crazy AL the AHA has not even been passed so stop your whining !

Side: The AHCA is great!