
Debate Info

Chick-fil-A is Good! Boycott Chick-fil-A
Debate Score:103
Total Votes:122
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 Chick-fil-A is Good! (27)
 Boycott Chick-fil-A (32)

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The Chick-fil-A Debate!

Chick-fil-A is “very much supportive of the family,” according to Dan Cathy, president of the popular fast food chain. That is, “the biblical definition of the family unit,” he said.

And that doesn’t include Adam and Steve, suggests Cathy, whose father S. Truett Cathy founded the Atlanta-base,0,3020372.story


The owner of the city's only Chick-fil-A restaurant today asked Mayor Rahm Emanuel to meet with her after Emanuel said the anti-gay marriage views of the fast-food chain's president don't mesh with Chicago values.

Lauren Silich, who owns a Chick-fil-A franchise just off the Magnificent Mile that opened last year, wrote in a press release that she is dedicated to "serving all of our guests with honor, dignity and respect. ... We alone created 97 jobs this past year and our passion is building leaders for future generations, regardless of sexual orientation or beliefs.",0,7136734.story

Chick-fil-A is Good!

Side Score: 53
Winning Side!

Boycott Chick-fil-A

Side Score: 50
5 points

Who cares about their political views? It's a restaurant, and so their sole purpose is to make good food. They succeed, in my opinion, so Chick-Fil-A is good in my book.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
MKIced(2511) Disputed
2 points

Did you know that they use their profits to help fund groups that fight to deny gays equal rights? That's right, every sandwich sold aids in the fight for "traditional" marriage and family values, AKA homophobia.

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A
1 point

Supporting traditional marriage and family values isn't homophobic, you people need to stop thinking that agreeing with every thing thing that a group dose means you support them and that disagreeing with something a group does means you hate them.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
1 point

Though I am a sound supporter of gay marriage, I have to agree with Dog on this one. Having a political or social viewpoint on something does not necessarily make you phobic of anything. Being a supporter of traditional marriage doesn't make you homophobic any more than criticizing Israel's politics makes you antisemitic, or opposing the misogynistic barbarism in Saudi Arabia makes you Islamophobic, or opposing immigration makes you racist. In other words it's perfectly possible and acceptable that people may hold legitimate political and social opinions on issues without being primarily motivated by irrational fear and hatred. It just comes across like you're trying to silence the opposition by sticking them with a mental disorder, and I really loathe when I'm the target of this tactic, so I thought I'd point it out, here.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
3 points

I don't even know this restaurant, but it'd be funny if all the queens started filling up the restaurants asking for the "battered sausage" or can they have a "Hotdog between two buns" in protest.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
youngidealis(50) Clarified
1 point

I actually went in and asked for water and a whole lot of sauces. I've heard some people will be doing a gay kiss in in protest.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
3 points

I believe they are a privately owned company... they can do as they please. I actually had someone tell me that since I am atheist, I shouldn't eat at Chick-fil-A??? I was all like "Whaahhh?" Horse-hockey! If I like it, I will eat it!

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
youngidealis(50) Clarified
1 point

I understand your plight. I am atheist too, but I'm protesting them. I don't expect people to jump when I think they should. If you were going there anyway and you have no stake in the argument, by all means go. I could care less.

That said, I think the reasoning of the other person might have been that as an atheist you should be against the union of Church and State and that you should understand what it's like being a discriminated and ignored minority. We do get far fewer beatings than homosexuals though, so I guess that would make it difficult to completely relate to.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
3 points

as an atheist you should be against the union of Church and State

I am... and Chick-fil-A and I are in America where there is a separation in church and state. Chick-fil-A is a privately held company...

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
3 points

I have to say I am not a fan of chick-fil-A's food nor the comment of one individual about gay marriage. But, since he cfa's are franchises, all the wrong people will be hurt if we boycott there establishments. Therefore, I would support an effort whereby people still patronize their establishments, but wear t-shirts with their views...or ask cfa to donate money for every who orders a certain meal.

That would be good.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
1 point

I have to say I am not a fan of chick-fil-A's food

Say whaaahhh???

nor the comment of one individual about gay marriage

Actually, this may surprise some, but I'm fine with gay marriage... I don't care... I guess I'm pretty apathetic about it.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

I didn't say I hated it. But I tried it about 15 years agou and I was not captivated by it.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
youngidealis(50) Disputed
1 point

Actually, those people can and probably will file lawsuits against the CEO who spoke on the subject directly to make up for their losses. Therefore, only the people who made the stupid decision to push their bigotry publicly will be hurt in the end. Or rewarded if the bigots come out of the wood works and show enough support

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A

Just cause they disagree with your opinion doesn't mean their terrible people, but regardless they still have great chicken!

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
MKIced(2511) Disputed
2 points

Dan Cathy has used millions of dollars in company profits to support anti-gay organizations. This is a publicly-known fact easily found on the internet. These groups are not just against same sex marriage, but some of them are on the same scale as the KKK. Chick-fil-a's profits support groups that support homosexuality being punishable by death in foreign nations. Therefore, when you eat that delicious chicken sandwich, know that you just helped kill a gay man in the Middle East. Know that each order of waffle fries helps to deny Americans basic human rights based solely on their sexual orientation. Workers in the company certainly aren't terrible people, but Dan Cathy and any other upper management that allow such disgusting causes are terrible people.

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A
2 points

If you people want to boycott something in the name of gay rights without seeming irrational, why don't you go boycott Middle Eastern oil companies, they kill gays. As for them funding anti-gay organizations, they can do so if they wish, you can pretend that its getting alot of gays to be killed and discriminated against, but its really. And by the way, there are people in the upper management that gay. YOu think your just hurting the Dan Cathy when you boycott them, but your not, your hurting every employee, deliverer, supplier and any other company that takes money from people that get money from Chick-Fil-A.

And by the way, marriage isn't a human right, its just marriage you guys need to stop pretending its some big issue because its not, its a minor thing that the media uses to distract you from bigger more important issues.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
2 points

I still like Chickfila I ate something when I was in Arizona when I lived there for 3 months. I support their decision they made and I think it was a good decision.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

I also support their decision to freedom of speech and religion etc. I do NOT support their decision to donate profits to anti-gay groups. Their sandwiches become LGBT hate.

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A
2 points

You know, it's not even about gay marriage it's about freedom of speech. Regardless of what chickfila's "stance" is(who cares) people should respect that freedom regardless of if they happen to agree.

The left acts like the only people allowed rights are those that agree with them. No, they don't believe that but they ACT like that. It's funny because all they did by making this a huge deal is make chickfila a BUNCH of money. And that's just what liberals hate. (: They know how childish they're being so many wont show up to this debate. -I guess because it's not about god, that's the type of debate that's popular these days. Yeah you know who you are.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
MKIced(2511) Disputed
2 points

I don't believe it's a matter of free speech at all. I don't care if the CEO believes that all gays are actually demons on Earth. He can believe that and he can even be verbal about that. But the moment he begins to use his companies money to help deny gays the equal rights they deserve is the moment people should react. And he's been supporting anti-gay groups for a long time now. It's only recently become more aware in the public, although I've known about it for months. As soon as I found that out, even though I had never been to a Chick-fil-a, I vowed to myself to never go there.

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A
youngidealis(50) Disputed
1 point

It's not about free speech. I applaud the man for coming out and opening up the conversation again. The pro gay rights movement is pushing for the issue to be talked about and to dispute the claim that any of this hate mongering belongs in legislation.

Therefore, it's not about free speech. No one's telling him to shut up, they are saying that the money should not go towards the promotion of hate and discrimination. It's about discrimination in the law and it's about separation of church and state. You are naive and misinformed to think it's about free speech sir.

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
0 points

"No one's telling him to shut up"

Did I say anyone was telling him to shut up? No. But even worse you are using the words hate and discrimination. Those are strong words to just throw around without any explanation. And you have added NO reason as to how this company is hateful OR discriminatory. So go ahead.

"they are saying that the money should not go towards the promotion of hate and discrimination."

So are you saying that when you buy a product you are promoting the opinion of the business owner?

This is very much about freedom of speech. People shouldn't have to worry about being called hate mongers for having an opinion. People like you are a hindrance to free speech. Sir.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
2 points

Of course this is a matter of personal opinion. I happen to admire their public stance, seeing as these days those who oppose gay marriage are fiercely criticized and discredited. This does not affect their food in any way either, it tasted great before this pronouncement and it does after as well.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
youngidealis(50) Disputed
1 point

If it was about personal opinion, that would be great. People could just have philosophical conversations about the issue and leave out the part where they openly support organizations that try to use legislation to discriminate against homosexual couples.

Once it enters law and actively defies the right to separation of Church and State, it becomes way more than opinion. It becomes a voice for bigotry in the law. Would you think it's just a matter of opinion if someone presents a law that says that Christians are not allowed to marry? It would be fiercely criticized and discredited too. What's the difference?

People who oppose equal rights for homosexuals are fiercely criticized and discredited because every point that they've made has been proven to be objectively false and they still put their hands on their ears and keep shouting their ignorance. Go on, talk. I want to hear what your opinion is and why you don't support equal rights.

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A
Troy8(2417) Disputed
2 points

If it was about personal opinion, that would be great. People could just have philosophical conversations about the issue and leave out the part where they openly support organizations that try to use legislation to discriminate against homosexual couples.

How is this not about opinion? Two camps are represented: those for and those against gay marriage. They do not discriminate against homosexuals. It has been made clear that they do not hire on the basis of race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Would you think it's just a matter of opinion if someone presents a law that says that Christians are not allowed to marry? It would be fiercely criticized and discredited too. What's the difference?

There is a large difference here. Christians marrying does not go against the traditional definition of marriage, while gays marrying does. I'm by no means saying this is a bad thing, I'm just pointing out the difference.

People who oppose equal rights for homosexuals are fiercely criticized and discredited because every point that they've made has been proven to be objectively false and they still put their hands on their ears and keep shouting their ignorance. Go on, talk. I want to hear what your opinion is and why you don't support equal rights.

I myself do not fiercely oppose equal rights. I do not think it has been completely proven that every point these opponents have made have been proven false. I'm not one to boycott easily. For instance, J.C. Penny has become a large proponent of gay marriage and I have no problem with that. I will not refuse to shop there simply because of that. By discriminating against Chick-fil-A, one is just continuing a cycle of discrimination. It can even be said that it is hypocritical, but I will not go that far.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
3 points

People fail to see the true issue here. I read an article in my local paper about Chick-fil-a Appreciation Day and one man was quoted on his reaction to the event. He talked about how he supported free speech and was in line that day to show that support. He also stated that he was not against same sex marriage. The flaw with this is that his money went to groups that do oppose same sex marriage. By buying that food, he went against his own beliefs. And I believe many Americans fail to make this distinction.

We should not boycott Chick-fil-a because of CEO Dan Cathy's personal beliefs. The chain should be boycotted because they use their profits to insert their religious agenda in our government and they use their funds to deny homosexuals equal rights in America and abroad.

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A
Assface(398) Clarified
1 point

Are you taking issue with the fact that CEOs are allowed to contribute some of their profits to political causes at all or just this particular CEO's preference of lobbies?

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
youngidealis(50) Clarified
0 points

Speaking for myself, this particular preference of lobbies. We need a few people to get into power and turn their profits against all the corruption that's going on in this country.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!

In most cases like this, I would say that I really don't care what they believe, and that I'll eat at a place if I like their food, simple as that. But the fact that their money is actually going to anti-gay organizations is what makes this different. I'm for gay rights, and I along with many others don't want to fund any of those organizations, even if I am doing so somewhat indirectly.

Frankly I've never even eaten at Chick-Fil-A. But the notion of people boycotting it is fine by me.

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A
2 points

Posting here because I think this side is a little lonely. ;)

Nah, there's no Chick-fil-A near my location at all, and I hadn't heard of them until this whole ordeal. So I guess I'm indirectly protesting them.

People can support them, people can bitch about them. So long as no legal action is taken on the chicken restaurant for Don Cathy's beliefs and donations then have at it you guys.

For what it's worth though, I personally probably would avoid spending my money at Chick-fil-A for their donations. But I'm not going to start a war with a person who bought their food.

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

People are fucking wetting themselves over the opportunity to take legal action.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
2 points

Whatever opinion you have, if you go to Chick-fil-A because you like them and this issue doesn't matter to you enough not to eat there, by all means, go, have a nice day, I have no beef with you.

If however you went there on Aug 1st because you wanted to support "free speech" or because you can admit that you are anti-gay rights, then you ARE in fact a naive and/or horrible person.

I love free speech and I hope that every bigot in the country becomes more outspoken with their desire to make laws that discriminate against people they don't understand because they are different. I want this conversation to continue so that you would stop burying your heads in the sand and letting this hate legislation slip on by without a second thought. I protest Chick-fil-a because I am pro separation of church and state and because they throw money at legislation to push their religious agenda.

I am straight. I didn't choose to be straight, and because I don't have my head up my own ass, I can see clearly that homosexual people have more in common with me than they have that's different. I also understand the logic and scientific data which shows they are better off being recognized and treated as healthy people with safe, natural, mutually consenting sexual practices.

What's more, if the justification of why homosexuality is wrong is because of the old testament, read your bible. In the same passages against gay marriage it says not to eat shellfish. Are you pushing for bans or boycotts on cocktail shrimp? I didn't think so. Quit being such a bunch of hypocrites and stop pushing your religion on people who don't care enough about it to already join your church of their own accord.

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

I can't shake the feeling that many of the boycotters who put rhetorical quotation marks around "free speech" in this discussion have misunderstood their opposition's concerns. I attended the anti-boycott in support of "'free speech'" on Wednesday despite, as a gaysbian myself, not supporting the causes Chick-Fil-A does and, as a vegetarian, not particularly liking their food. I did it not because I consider popular disagreement tantamount to censorship, but because I worry more about a company being effectively denied its right to spend its earned profits as it sees fit than about some of that money being spent on causes that I dislike. Let's be clear: this issue is centered, for conservatives, upon monetary speech rights--not Cathy's God-given liberty to have poor foresight in interviews.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!
youngidealis(50) Disputed
1 point

Assface, The problem with your argument is that Boycotting is just as much of a right to use as a form of protest as donating money. You may as well be carrying a sign along side the Phelps family that says "God Hates F.a.g.s!" because you fear that the pressure from the opposing protesters is going to effectively deny them the right to protest.

See Matt Dillahunty on that one. He's an atheist who's pledged many times over that he would stand next to the Phelps in protest against laws that would deny them their right to free speech if ever he saw them, and to that point I would agree.

You might be a minority within a minority who has yet to get this point, but I assure you that the majority of people who went to Chick-fil-a on 8/1 went there because their homophibic pastors or their favorite form of misinformed media told them to, giving them the excuse that it was about free speech.

It's not. No laws are being suggested or made to take away CFA's right to donate. CFA is being punished by the people it's hurt and offended by their actions, not by the law. Unless you of course count the discrimination lawsuits.

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A
1 point

A large group of openly gay people need to all go apply at Chik Fil A's and then when they don't hire you sue the shit out of them.....

Side: Boycott Chick-fil-A
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

Chick-Fil-A hires gay people. Several of their gay employees have written about the controversy.

Side: Chick-fil-A is Good!