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Debate Score:22
Total Votes:28
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 YES (4)
 No (9)

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Chuz-Life(497) pic

The Child that You are Pregnant with is Likely to be Gay.

" There are, of course, concerns that this knowledge could be used by parents who want to avoid gay offspring, Rice said, but that concern already exists around certain hormonal conditions in utero, which are known to contribute to an increased chance of offspring being lesbians."

A prenatal test is being developed to determine if the child you are carrying will likely be gay or not.

Will this be a game changer in the abortion debate?  


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 13
4 points

I don't care if the kid is gay, straight, bi or Justin Beiber... if I'm pregnant... I'm killing myself!!

Side: YES
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

I laughed a little more than I should have at that statement.

Side: YES
0 points

Think it through.

What would your reaction be if "pro-lifers" started making exceptions and justifications to justify abortions in cases where the child might be gay?

What if a large portion of society started testing for homosexuality and started aborting suspected "gay" children in the same way that children suspected of having Down's Syndrome or other maladies are being aborted?

Side: YES
2 points

I don't think a test can show if your child is gay or not...

Side: No
Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
0 points

The question is more of a what if.

It may be true that such a test would make some pro-lifers consider having abortions but I think it would more likely result in Gays and others finally admitting that life (and rights) begin at conception.

Side: YES
oh-no(119) Clarified
1 point

Well, most of these get tested again just to find out it's false

Side: YES
2 points

It is doubtful this will change anything though maybe a few Pro-life people will become Pro-choice due to their hatred of gays.

Side: No
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
0 points


Think it through.

So what would your reaction be if "pro-lifers" started making exceptions and justifications to justify abortions in cases where the child might be gay?

What if a large portion of society started testing for homosexuality and started aborting suspected "gay" children in the same way that children suspected of having Down's Syndrome or other maladies are being aborted?

Side: YES

I think sexual orientation is based on the conditions during an individual's upbringing. I do not think it is possible to determine sexual orientation at, during, or before birth.

Side: No
Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
0 points

Boys are generally attracted to girls.

Girls are generally attracted to boys.

Their sexes and their orientations were determined genetically (at conception)

Why would you think that the sexual orientations of homosexuals would be determined any differently?

After all, there are some who are born with genitalia from both sexes.

As a heterosexual male I have no reason to believe that my sexuality was not determined at the same time my "sex" was. (i.e. conception)

So, I have no reason to assume that a gay's sexuality could not be determined in the same way. Most gays I have discussed the issue with have insisted that they are gay by nature and not by 'choice.'

Side: YES
1 point

A test cannot determine emotions! Notto mention it may cause more abortions!

Side: No
1 point

You shouldn't have an abortion just because your child may be gay (or may not be gay).

If you care more about its sexuality than the fact it's your CHILD... then by all means, have the abortion. No child deserves having to be raised by that kind of parent.


To answer the question: No, I don't think its going to change much. Those who hate gays and find out their child is going to be gay, I think they'll have the baby, and during his/her entire life, try to squish down that part of them that's gay. I don't think it's likely they would have an abortion, because in my experience, those who don't support gays also don't support abortion.

Side: No
Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
0 points

Thanks for putting some thought into the question.

One follow up question - if I may.

Why do you think that the only reason someone would abort a suspected 'gay child' would be out of hatred? Maybe they would think (like with downs babies) that they are aborting them out of compassion.

Side: YES
hannah165(523) Clarified
1 point

Thanks for putting such an interesting debate out there. :)


That is a very good point. I really hadn't considered that.

To answer your question- I still don't think that they would abort the child. I suppose some may, but I don't think it would greatly impact the number already aborted.

If they really do think that the child would be better off dead(or never have lived, I suppose it depends on your view) than gay, then I do still think (to some extent) that no child should have to live in a household that thinks they're better off dead than who they really are.

Side: YES
1 point

Had the doctor told my mother before I was born that her fetus might one day be gay, would she have aborted me? Now that's a really hard one to answer, because there are many implications of such a pronouncement. For instance, being the pious Christian woman that she is, she is opposed to both homosexuality and abortion. If she were to abort me, she'd be committing a sin in her eyes, but by doing so she would be preventing the damnation of her own flesh and blood to hell. However, there's no guarantee that I'd turn out gay, and without that guarantee, is something so sinful as the murder of a fetus acceptable? Knowing her, and probably plenty of other mothers of similar circumstances, she would instead raise her maybe-gay child as spiritually and straight as possible, thereby psychologically devastating her gay child so as to never consciously harbor homosexual feelings, and most definitely never to act on them.

Thus, my answer is 'No', I think in the end the faith in God to keep her child straight is greater than the faith in the doctor that her Christian child will be gay. In the end, though, her faith failed her, for my mother's only son is gay.

Side: No
1 point

Fucking stupid ass people. There's no way to know if your child will be gay and if you think so, you are dumb as fuck!

Side: No
0 points

So true! :(

Side: No
1 point

I don't think people care that much about sexuality, surely? And abortion for that reason is wrong, and would be made illegal. I don't think it should be possible or legal to test for sexuality in the foetus.

Side: No